Thursday, September 7, 2017

Looking for #Authors That Want to Do an Exchange #MFRWauthors Free #AuthorPromo


Are you looking for a Promotional Opportunity for A Fall Exchange

My Ghost #BookHug Exchange is Starting so sign up now at:

Here's how it works:

  1. You sign up and agree to host others on your blog by leaving your email address in the comment section. Put your Name, Email address, genre, and who you are looking for as guests.
  2. Then email others on the list and let them know that you are interested in doing an exchange
  3. Give dates you have available to host them.
  4. Please put Author Exchange in the subject line so they won't think you are spam.
  5. Decide on dates and exchange posts.
  6. Post should included the following information:
  7. Title should include #BookHugs. (There is no space between any of this hashtag. This is to make it easier to retweet) 

Also include the graphic above.

- send over your cover
- blurb - less than 300 words
- excerpt - less than 500 words
- Purchase links not more than 5
- author short bio - 100 words or less.
- author links - no more than 5
**** give a short message of love, friendship, inspiration.

If this sounds like something you want to do please visit my author exchange page.


Hope to see you there,


1 comment:

Daryl Devoré said...

Had a great time last time. So I'm in.
Hot romance - Between Despair and Ecstasy.

I accept all genres on my blog - Romance- Sweet to Heat.