Thursday, October 27, 2016

On #LinkedIn? Come Join My #Romance Lover's Book Club

Okay, so I'll admit I'm in a number of groups on LinkedIn. All of which are author/writers/promotion groups. So today, I went out searching for a Book Club that had Romance books.

I looked high and low. While I'll admit I'm not someone who does much on LinkedIn, I thought I'd find one or two. Yes, I found some publisher groups, but again not just for romance.

So guess what?

I decided why not start my own group. Let my friends and readers know where it is and then ask everyone to join.

The rules, I believe are simple.

1. We are here to find new books.
2. No mean or overly negative attitude can be voiced in this group are you will be removed.
3. Author - you can share a 300 word blurb and 1 buy link once a day. - Any more than that you will be given a warning and can be removed from the group.
4. We want conversation about romance books so please share what books you like and enjoyed reading.
5. Keep it friendly.

Want to join?

Thanks everyone hope to see you in the Romance Lover's Book Club,


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