Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tina's Titillating Teasers - Book Hooks, #MFRWauthors

Welcome to Book Hooks, a NEW weekly meme hosted by the MFRW Authors Blog.

This is a way for readers to find out about new books by authors they may not know about. Each author shares a short excerpt from their books. If you enjoy the sample, consider purchasing the full book through their buy link.

TODAY - I'm sharing my paranormal romantic suspense story.
Hope you enjoy!

“Trust us child to find a soul who will honor your position. Nothing will remove your fears until you can reclaim your life’s mission and enjoy the rest of your days on earth.”

 “But what if Amber doesn’t like it here? She’s a young college student from sunny California. Why would she move to Ohio where it’s cold? Even in the summer, we don’t have beautiful weather. The rain can last for days.”

 “There is no dispute,” Jonathan growled. “Amber is a Winston. She longs to live here.”
  “But you don’t get it. There’s no guarantee. Josh has lived here all his life. He’ll do a good job.” Mattie wished Jonathan could see her point. Things might not turn out like he’d planned.

“Besides Cynthia will be deeply hurt when she finds out everything is under the control of a stranger instead of her son. She won’t understand.”

 “The Council’s point exactly. Cynthia cares only for gold, not for others. It’s best for the family to have someone else as the keeper.”

  The havoc this decision would cause in Mattie’s life washed bitter bile through her mouth. She swallowed, hard. -

See more at:

Blurb: Trophy child, Amber Harrison drops out of college to claim her inheritance from a distance relative. Soon after arriving in Ohio, she quickly discovers that she’s the new Winston’s family keeper. Forced down a paranormal path, she uncovers a dark family secret which puts her new job as well as her life in jeopardy. Determined to find answers, Amber investigates the mystery with help from a ghost, the ex-keeper of the estate, and a handsome contractor working on the estate. 

Can she solve the mystery and remain the keeper? 

Or fail and return to the meaningless life she had in California? 
Purchase at:
Don't wait. Get Hooked! Visit the other participating authors.
You can also find the participating authors on twitter by searching for the #MFRWhooks.

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