This week on Romance Lives Forever is hosting blogs that are written by authors that have dealt with the pain of cancer.
Here is a list of each post and a little snippet of each
October 11-17, 2015
Day 1
#Cancer Awareness: It Affects All @AuthorTinaGayle CEO's Widow #RLFblog http://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/2015/10/caw-gayle.html
Even if you have never had the disease, you probably know someone who has had it or who has lost a loved one to it. My aunt had it and died back in the early seventies. I remember because my father would not say anything other than she died of cancer. The sad thing was he didn't even learn she was sick until he heard of her death.
Day 2
#Cancer Awareness: The Nad Punch @jordankrose Her Vampire's Promise #RLFblog http://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/2015/10/caw-rose.html
This past July I was diagnosed with an early stage of a rare form of ovarian cancer, specifically- a granulosa cell tumor. To say the news was shocking is an understatement. We received it during a post-op visit where had anticipated hearing great results about a surgery and anticipated a routine recovery. We did not plan to hear, "We think you should have the other ovary removed and have chemo."
Day 3
#Cancer Awareness: Lifted to the Light @AliceOrrBooks #RLFblog http://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/2015/10/caw-orr.html
I've always loved the Statue of Liberty because she stands so powerfully erect even though she's profoundly alone. She holds the lamp for others to see and guides them to a life of possibility. She does all of that from a tiny island surrounded by rip tide currents and she does it on her own. That was the woman I thought I should be.
Day 4
#Cancer Awareness: No History, No Warning @ShieldsAlly #RLFblog http://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/2015/10/caw-shields.html
The diagnosis of breast cancer came out the blue. No family history, no warning. I was too young. But the moment I felt the lump during a shower, I knew what it was. The news went downhill from there. Seventy-five percent of the nearest lymph nodes were involved. Prognosis guarded. Three months of chemo later, they found spots in my lungs. It appeared the cancer had already spread, and I was reeling when I heard the words...four months.
Day 5
#Cancer Awareness: To Do: Fight @VickiBatman #RLFblog http://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/2015/10/caw-batman.html
Most people know I refer to my husband as Handsome. What some don't know is eight years ago, he was diagnosed with throat cancer.
He had a swollen lymph node that all doctors thought was allergy or infection-related. The drugs and antibiotics prescribed didn't knock it out. He had a needle biopsy which came back clean. His ENT doctor said she wanted to remove the lymph and when doing so, found the cancer in three spots.
Day 6
#Cancer Awareness: No Promises @marjoriebelson #RLFblog http://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/2015/10/caw-belson.html
Undefined and vulnerable, I often felt as if I were crashing backward through space, and found myself slipping into a post-operative depression after my bi-lateral mastectomy on August 2, 2001. In order to keep what remained of my sanity, I returned to work too soon, but misjudged the level of my stamina, as well as the fact that much of one's life is uncontrollable.
Day 7
#Cancer Awareness: Have No Fear @CCMacKenzie1 #RLFblog http://romancelivesforever.blogspot.com/2015/10/caw-ccm.html
not posted yet but be sure to check it out.
Thanks Kayelle for hosting this event,
1 comment:
You are so kind to share this on your blog. Thank you, Tina.
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