As authors, we are constantly trying to get our names out to new people.
How else will people know we exist?
So we join Groups - search for them so that we can promote our books.
There are a few things to know before you do this.
1. Read the rules of the group. It is not wise to post a promo without knowing the rules.
For Yahoo Groups
2. Daily digest. Make sure to put email on daily digest or your inbox will run over.
3. Knowing how to make the post appealing. (I can use help with this, but the more interesting the post the more peope will read it.)
Also, there are google+ groups that you can join that allow you to promote yourself and your books.
Search for them under communities once on the correct page - there will be a place Recommendations for you. This is helpful in deciding which communities you might want to join.
There are also places like
Google Plus Pro Tips where you can learn how to use google plus.
Here is my intro to the community
Facebook also has groups you can join.
Here is one of my favorites
As I mention in the beginning, make sure you know the rules for the groups you join and you'll have a much happier experience.
Hope this helps,
Monday, March 31, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Tina Titillating Teasers - Boyfriend's Brother @MLSky #MFRWorg

Chloe Timmons and Jason McIvey are each at a crossroads.
On what may be her last weekend as 'just a girlfriend', Chloe quells her restlessness by hitting the town and runs into her boyfriend's brother, Jason, a fellow pilot in the area for an air show. A barroom brawl brings them together.
Chloe thinks her boyfriend Marc may propose, and she's not sure she's ready for marriage. Jason McIvey has to decide if he's staying in the military or going civilian. When Chloe and Jason spend the night together, it doesn't make either decision easier.
Warnings: Explicit Sex | Heat Level: R
Meet The Author
Author Website | Author Blog | Facebook | Twitter
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
#WritingTip - Writing Organizations
There are a number of very good writing organizations out there.
One of the best things you can do for yourself as a writer is to join one. They offer a wealth of information to new writers and you meet other people who have traveled down the road you are heading down.
I searched for over a year for the right group and join some that were not what I wanted, but in the end I found the group that helped me.
I can not stress enough how much this can help you, but if for some reason it isn't working for you. It's still important to connect with other writers - take class, go to online chat, join yahoo groups. We all need help along the road to success, find people who can make the road easiler.
Here are a few of the organizations out there.
• RWA – Romance Writers of America is one of the largest. It is a
national organization with local groups throughout the country. You do not have
to be a romance author to join.
• EPIC – Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition – is an online community of writers. They hold a conference once a year and offer a contest for e-book authors.
• Mystery Writers of America – a group of writers joining together to share ideas about writing mystery.
• Horror Writers Association – an organization of horror writers working to help each other become better writers and foster a better understanding of the genre.
• EPIC – Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition – is an online community of writers. They hold a conference once a year and offer a contest for e-book authors.
• Mystery Writers of America – a group of writers joining together to share ideas about writing mystery.
• Horror Writers Association – an organization of horror writers working to help each other become better writers and foster a better understanding of the genre.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Love Remains in the #EggcerptExchange Basket
Love Remains Time Travel Romance Featured on Egg-cerpt Exchange
I am participating in Tina Gayle’s Eggcerpt Exchange, a great way for readers to connect with new authors and learn about new books. I’ll be featuring my time travel romance "Love Remains".
Release date: 15 July 2013
Blurb: Olivia Owen, a busy, single, high-functioning, corporate executive officer, is not afraid to die a spinster for the sake of her career. But in an alternate reality world, bridged by the angel of her Down’s syndrome sister, she meets Tom Medar, a dedicated, Croatian defense attorney who dreams of the right woman, but never has time to find her. Together they foil an adulterous murder plot while discovering there’s room for love and family in their busy lives—but not before they are separated again.
I am participating in Tina Gayle’s Eggcerpt Exchange, a great way for readers to connect with new authors and learn about new books. I’ll be featuring my time travel romance "Love Remains".

When they awaken from their alternate world, will they be able to cross countries to find each other again?
by Zrinka Jelic
“In Love Remains, Ms. Jelic has once again written a highly imaginative paranormal romance with believable characters who are both flawed and compassionate and a plot that will keep you guessing until the end.” —
Debbie Christiana, author of Twin Flames and Solstice.
“Zrinka Jelic has achieved a high level of success with her time-travel story, Love Remains. Olivia had a difficult job, chopping employees’ heads, and then to travel to another dimension where she had a husband and children was felling. However, as with any Jelic story, the romance is strong and I was happy to travel with Tom and Olivia. At the end of life isn’t that what we seek—the warmth of love?” — jj Keller, Trade Agreement, LASR Best Book
Sensuality Level: Sensual
Sensuality Level: Sensual
Excerpt: Keys in her hand, she took the two steps to the front door. She had left a few lights on,but the smell of home cooking wafting in the air stood her hair on end. Who the hell was in her house? Heart drumming, she gripped her cell just in case she needed to make a fast call for the police, then she crept through the foyer toward the kitchen. The candlelit table set for two in the dining room indicated whoever was here expected a romantic evening.
His back to her, a man stirred a pot on the stove. His tight butt swayed to an Elvis classic coming from the stereo. Had she made a date prior to her trip but forgot to cancel it? Impossible, she wouldn’t pass up on such a handsome man. Despite her dry mouth, Olivia swallowed. Whatever food the hunk was preparing on the stove smelled delicious. The frills on his apron swirled around him as he turned to her with a smile that would have melted ice caps. Light from the ceiling reflected on his wavy brown hair. “Hi, honey. I was beginning to worry.” He stepped to her, leaned down and pecked her cheek with an odd familiarity. “Your trip must’ve been exhausting. I’m sorry the flight was overbooked, but at least the airline found you a seat in coach.”
She wiped her cheek where his kiss still simmered on her skin. Rubbing his palms together, he turned to the stove. “Hope you’re hungry. I made your favorite, ravioli á la moi. I just have to pop garlic bread in, but that won’t take too long. So go get comfortable.”
Frozen, she stared. His eyebrows furrowed. “I should have picked you up from the airport. Next time, I won’t let you talk me out of it.”
Her legs refused to co-operate. She couldn’t get them to move, but she managed a sharp breath. “Who are you?”
The hunk’s thick eyebrows drew closer and he cast her a puzzled glance. “Are you all right?” She flipped the phone clutched in her hand and dialed. “I’m calling the police.”
“Olivia?” He straightened. An insecure laugh crossed his lips. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?” The voice came through the cell.
Her dry lips scraped her tongue like sandpaper across weather-beaten wood. “There’s an intruder in my home.”
“Ma’am, is the intruder aware of your presence?”
She leveled her gaze with the man’s face and met his warm honey eyes. “Yes.”
His back to her, a man stirred a pot on the stove. His tight butt swayed to an Elvis classic coming from the stereo. Had she made a date prior to her trip but forgot to cancel it? Impossible, she wouldn’t pass up on such a handsome man. Despite her dry mouth, Olivia swallowed. Whatever food the hunk was preparing on the stove smelled delicious. The frills on his apron swirled around him as he turned to her with a smile that would have melted ice caps. Light from the ceiling reflected on his wavy brown hair. “Hi, honey. I was beginning to worry.” He stepped to her, leaned down and pecked her cheek with an odd familiarity. “Your trip must’ve been exhausting. I’m sorry the flight was overbooked, but at least the airline found you a seat in coach.”
She wiped her cheek where his kiss still simmered on her skin. Rubbing his palms together, he turned to the stove. “Hope you’re hungry. I made your favorite, ravioli á la moi. I just have to pop garlic bread in, but that won’t take too long. So go get comfortable.”
Frozen, she stared. His eyebrows furrowed. “I should have picked you up from the airport. Next time, I won’t let you talk me out of it.”
Her legs refused to co-operate. She couldn’t get them to move, but she managed a sharp breath. “Who are you?”
The hunk’s thick eyebrows drew closer and he cast her a puzzled glance. “Are you all right?” She flipped the phone clutched in her hand and dialed. “I’m calling the police.”
“Olivia?” He straightened. An insecure laugh crossed his lips. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?” The voice came through the cell.
Her dry lips scraped her tongue like sandpaper across weather-beaten wood. “There’s an intruder in my home.”
“Ma’am, is the intruder aware of your presence?”
She leveled her gaze with the man’s face and met his warm honey eyes. “Yes.”
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Travel Adventure on Tina's Titillating Teaser - Story by @CBMcKee1
I found out today this little story is on sale on amazon.
Not my usual romance, it's a kid adventure story of traveling to a new land. Well, for Travis it is a new land.
I have to say I enjoyed the short story because I've been to Death Valley and enjoyed the area.
If you're taking a trip there or just want to see some pictures of the place this is a nice story for both kids and adults.
Here's an except -
“I like the idea that we are entering a mystical world made of shifting vapors. Think about it, any object we can imagine might appear.” My father joined forces with my mother.
“Great, then monsters and dragons could live in this new land,” I said, knowing there wasn’t anything of the kind, but gosh, I could hope. “We might actually have a real adventure.”
“Yes, there is a battle to be won, but it will take more than muscles and weapons to defeat this enemy.” My mother smiled at me and then looked over at Sam. “Can you guess what it’ll take?”
A miracle, I thought, so we won’t be bored out of our skulls or if I had a hammer I could put Sam with her pig-tails and pink ribbons, out of my misery. That way at least, we wouldn’t fight.
I knew both ideas were unlikely so I didn’t comment.
Mom didn’t like it when I said anything to remind the family of the true reality of the situation. She called it falling out of “the spirit of the adventure.”
My stupid sister responded instead. “A magic wand, that way we can ask the fairies to help us.”
“I don’t think we packed our magic wands. We’ll have to use something else.” Dad said, “Something we have on our person.”
“A brain,” I grumbled, knowing my ignorant sister wouldn’t know the answer. Her head was full of air.
“Right,” my mother beamed. “We have to have our wits about us.”
“But the cotton clouds don’t look like they can hurt us. They look soft and fluffy, like the stuff in the pillows that grandma made us.” Sam bit her lip.
“Yes, but there are other things that might not be so friendly,” my father said. “Don’t you remember what we read off the internet about Death Valley?”
As of March 23, the story will be on sale for 99cents for a few days. It's a great time to check it out.
Hope you enjoy this story and thanks CB for sharing,
Not my usual romance, it's a kid adventure story of traveling to a new land. Well, for Travis it is a new land.
I have to say I enjoyed the short story because I've been to Death Valley and enjoyed the area.
If you're taking a trip there or just want to see some pictures of the place this is a nice story for both kids and adults.

Here's an except -
“I like the idea that we are entering a mystical world made of shifting vapors. Think about it, any object we can imagine might appear.” My father joined forces with my mother.
“Great, then monsters and dragons could live in this new land,” I said, knowing there wasn’t anything of the kind, but gosh, I could hope. “We might actually have a real adventure.”
“Yes, there is a battle to be won, but it will take more than muscles and weapons to defeat this enemy.” My mother smiled at me and then looked over at Sam. “Can you guess what it’ll take?”
A miracle, I thought, so we won’t be bored out of our skulls or if I had a hammer I could put Sam with her pig-tails and pink ribbons, out of my misery. That way at least, we wouldn’t fight.
I knew both ideas were unlikely so I didn’t comment.
Mom didn’t like it when I said anything to remind the family of the true reality of the situation. She called it falling out of “the spirit of the adventure.”
My stupid sister responded instead. “A magic wand, that way we can ask the fairies to help us.”
“I don’t think we packed our magic wands. We’ll have to use something else.” Dad said, “Something we have on our person.”
“A brain,” I grumbled, knowing my ignorant sister wouldn’t know the answer. Her head was full of air.
“Right,” my mother beamed. “We have to have our wits about us.”
“But the cotton clouds don’t look like they can hurt us. They look soft and fluffy, like the stuff in the pillows that grandma made us.” Sam bit her lip.
“Yes, but there are other things that might not be so friendly,” my father said. “Don’t you remember what we read off the internet about Death Valley?”
As of March 23, the story will be on sale for 99cents for a few days. It's a great time to check it out.
Hope you enjoy this story and thanks CB for sharing,
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Doing the #EggcerptExchange Can Hurt with "The Bruised Thistle"
“The Bruised Thistle” – part of the Eggcerpt Exchange Fun.

Iseabail MacNaughton, the orphaned daughter of a Scottish laird, is forced to flee her home and seek assistance against her lecherous uncle, who has usurped her family’s land. When she meets Seumas, a strong and valiant mercenary, she cannot help wondering if he could be the one to stand with her against her uncle. But with a price on her head and enemies on all sides, her trust is not something she can afford to give lightly…
Seumas MacDonell is a man wounded in body and soul, driven by guilt. When he rescues Iseabail from one of his men, he cannot deny the attraction he feels for her, despite the wound that left him unable to act on it. In the hope of finding redemption for his sins, he agrees to help Iseabail…but will his feelings for her prove to be the ultimate obstacle to his salvation?
Now the Eggcerpt
“It was quite an adventure,” Calum chirped. “Then they called after me ’thief, theif’ and chased me when I took off on Seumas’s horse.”
Seumas smiled at Calum. “You did fine, lad.”
Calum came to stand beside the man, rubbing the long ears of his pet. ” Did you give her the herbs?”
“Nae, I didn’t need them.” Seumas pierced Iseabail with his look. “I was able to get the fever down by other means.”
Calum frowned and looked between them. “How?”
“I took her to the river.”
“Oh.” Calum nodded, satisfied with the answer. “I will go out and find some food for my rabbit, if you think it safe.”
“Do not go far, lad. There is plenty near here that vermin can eat.”
Iseabail shifted in his arms. “Can you put me down now?”
He did not answer, nor did he comply. Instead, he inched his hand up her neck and started working little circles into her skin. She fought the desire to close her eyes. It felt so good.”
“Do ye not want to know how I got your fever down?”
“You said you brought me to the river.”
He held her gaze then pulled her toward him, and she knew he was going to kiss her. His lips were warm, and the lightening surged through her again. He kissed her lightly at first then more urgently. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer.
He straightened abruptly then placed her on her cloak. “Ye should get some sleep.”
Seumas pushed past Calum as he was coming back in.
“Told you he was mad,” Calum said.
Purchase at:
Find me at:
Ashley York,
The Bruised Thistle
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Tina's Titillating Teaser - Trailing Kaiwulf @KayelleAllen #MFRWauthor
Released a Sci Fi Romance, Trailing Kaiwulf, on February 12, 2014.
Find an invisible man in another dimension? All in a day's work at TRAIL.
Yanked back from their first vacation in ages, Jee and Dane get handed a top priority mission. The pay is better than any they've earned before as agents for the Trace, Rescue, and Identification League. With this much money, they might not need jobs. They're the best there is, and the item, person, or secret hasn't been invented that these two can't recover.
But locating this quarry might be a bit past even their considerable skills. After all, how do you find an invisible man in another dimension? And who, exactly, is footing a bill this steep? Certainly not the archaeologist in charge. The military wants to get involved, but they have no monetary stake either. So who -- or what -- is behind the request to trail Kaiwulf?
Want to Know More About the Author?
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
#EggcerptExchange from It Is Time and Other Stories
Eggcerpt Exchange runs this year from March 5th to April 20th. Many talented authors are taking part as well, and you’ll be reading lots of romance excerpts during this time. What a treat!
If you are an author there is still time to join in on the fun email

If you want to find out how the Eggcerpt Exchange works, read here.
So, this is my book feature, It Is Time and Other Stories: 15 contemporary M/F tales of love and lust.

Title: It Is Time and Other Stories
Buy links:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Goodreads link:
This collection of 15 romantic bite-size stories is a must-have for Anna’s loyal fans and serves as the perfect sampler for new readers. Find out why fans from everywhere are addicted to Anna’s writing.
The collection begins with the tale of a woman who has decided that “It is time” to give her lover a final gift.
From the sweet, vanilla exchanges of love (such as “Love Letter,” “Gratitude” and “Ticket to France”), the electrifying thrill of instant attraction (“Stockings, Pendant, Arousal” and “Unexpected”), paranormal love story (“Lucy Reborn”) to steamy tales that stretch the mind and boundaries (for example, “My Reluctant Dom” and “Four Hot Guys”), these 15 stories promise to tease and gratify.
Note: Explicit sex scenes. Adult material intended for readers aged 18+.
Excerpt from the title story, “It Is Time”:
It is time, I believe.
My heart beats in my throat, and a chilling cold freezes my fingers, but I urge myself to speak my mind. “How many women do you have?”
He regards me calmly.
I gulp, and feel a whirlwind stirring in my stomach, but I look back at him with as much strength as I can muster.
“There are you, Robyn — you already know Robyn, and another girl called Tess.” He articulates slowly and clearly. “Three.”
A dull pain settles in my heart, but I accept it without letting it flare up. “Do they know as well?” I ask.
“Robyn possibly suspected that I had already met you before we had our threesome.” He says. “But no, basically. You are the only one who’ve ever asked.”
I nod.
The question, “Who’s your favorite?” circles in my head, but I know better than to ask that. Instead, I enquire, “You looked so peaceful when I asked you, were you expecting that question?”
“Not exactly.” He brushes a loose strand of hair out of my view as he continues. “But you’re easily the smartest girl I’ve met in my whole life. Whatever query you have, I think it’s best if I answer plainly, instead of trying to lie.”
I take a sip from my lukewarm tea and look around the apartment. The walls are bare; his suitcase is still leaning against the farthest wall, near the window. Except for the drinks on the kitchen counter, our shoes in the doorway and our clothes flung about casually on the floor, the place is empty.
He is in town every month or so, staying for about ten days each time. His business is good, so he can easily afford a spare apartment in the choicest region only for sleep and sex dates. The dingy brown sofa-bed does not bother him; he fucks hard and long on it, then cradles me to sleep.
I had known he was not for keeps, but the way he remembered details from our pillow talk, the meticulous attention he paid my body whenever he enjoyed me, and the sweet nothingness he consistently texted me everyday when he was away gradually built a cage around my heart. I grew attached to him and yearned for him earnestly.
To be fair, there is nothing to blame in him, because he has never deceived. Girls believed what they wanted; he never had to lie. I willingly accepted his sorry excuses whenever I wished to see him; it had always been him setting the time and date, and I showed up each time without fail.
I place the tea on the side, shift my position to face him and drink in his handsome features. His blue-green eyes effortlessly capture my soul; I drown in their watery symmetry. I often wonder if he truly speaks through his eyes, or am I the one convincing myself that I can read loving messages in his gaze. Perhaps I simply recite what my heart craves to hear in my mind when I worship his beauty.
Enjoyed the excerpt? Get it now!
Buy links:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Anna’s author links:
Google Plus:
Twitter (@anna_bayes)
If you are an author there is still time to join in on the fun email

If you want to find out how the Eggcerpt Exchange works, read here.
So, this is my book feature, It Is Time and Other Stories: 15 contemporary M/F tales of love and lust.

Title: It Is Time and Other Stories
Buy links:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Goodreads link:
This collection of 15 romantic bite-size stories is a must-have for Anna’s loyal fans and serves as the perfect sampler for new readers. Find out why fans from everywhere are addicted to Anna’s writing.
The collection begins with the tale of a woman who has decided that “It is time” to give her lover a final gift.
From the sweet, vanilla exchanges of love (such as “Love Letter,” “Gratitude” and “Ticket to France”), the electrifying thrill of instant attraction (“Stockings, Pendant, Arousal” and “Unexpected”), paranormal love story (“Lucy Reborn”) to steamy tales that stretch the mind and boundaries (for example, “My Reluctant Dom” and “Four Hot Guys”), these 15 stories promise to tease and gratify.
Note: Explicit sex scenes. Adult material intended for readers aged 18+.
Excerpt from the title story, “It Is Time”:
It is time, I believe.
My heart beats in my throat, and a chilling cold freezes my fingers, but I urge myself to speak my mind. “How many women do you have?”
He regards me calmly.
I gulp, and feel a whirlwind stirring in my stomach, but I look back at him with as much strength as I can muster.
“There are you, Robyn — you already know Robyn, and another girl called Tess.” He articulates slowly and clearly. “Three.”
A dull pain settles in my heart, but I accept it without letting it flare up. “Do they know as well?” I ask.
“Robyn possibly suspected that I had already met you before we had our threesome.” He says. “But no, basically. You are the only one who’ve ever asked.”
I nod.
The question, “Who’s your favorite?” circles in my head, but I know better than to ask that. Instead, I enquire, “You looked so peaceful when I asked you, were you expecting that question?”
“Not exactly.” He brushes a loose strand of hair out of my view as he continues. “But you’re easily the smartest girl I’ve met in my whole life. Whatever query you have, I think it’s best if I answer plainly, instead of trying to lie.”
I take a sip from my lukewarm tea and look around the apartment. The walls are bare; his suitcase is still leaning against the farthest wall, near the window. Except for the drinks on the kitchen counter, our shoes in the doorway and our clothes flung about casually on the floor, the place is empty.
He is in town every month or so, staying for about ten days each time. His business is good, so he can easily afford a spare apartment in the choicest region only for sleep and sex dates. The dingy brown sofa-bed does not bother him; he fucks hard and long on it, then cradles me to sleep.
I had known he was not for keeps, but the way he remembered details from our pillow talk, the meticulous attention he paid my body whenever he enjoyed me, and the sweet nothingness he consistently texted me everyday when he was away gradually built a cage around my heart. I grew attached to him and yearned for him earnestly.
To be fair, there is nothing to blame in him, because he has never deceived. Girls believed what they wanted; he never had to lie. I willingly accepted his sorry excuses whenever I wished to see him; it had always been him setting the time and date, and I showed up each time without fail.
I place the tea on the side, shift my position to face him and drink in his handsome features. His blue-green eyes effortlessly capture my soul; I drown in their watery symmetry. I often wonder if he truly speaks through his eyes, or am I the one convincing myself that I can read loving messages in his gaze. Perhaps I simply recite what my heart craves to hear in my mind when I worship his beauty.
Enjoyed the excerpt? Get it now!
Buy links:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Anna’s author links:
Google Plus:
Twitter (@anna_bayes)
Sunday, March 16, 2014
#EggcerptExchange Dawnflight @KimHeadlee
Dawnflight to appear in the Eggcerpt Exchange
My novel Dawnflight will be featured in the promotional brainchild of Author Tina Gayle, the "Eggcerpt Exchange!"
About Dawnflight:
Gyan is a Caledonian chieftainess by birth, a warrior and leader of warriors by training, and she is betrothed to Urien, a son of her clan’s deadliest enemy, by right of Arthur the Pendragon’s conquest of her people. For the sake of peace, Gyan is willing to sacrifice everything...perhaps even her very life, if her foreboding about Urien proves true.
Roman by his father, Brytoni by his mother, and denied hereditary rulership of his clan because of his mixed blood, Arthur is the supreme commander of the northern Brytoni army. The Caledonians, Scots, Saxons, and Angles keep him too busy to dwell upon his loneliness...most of the time.
When Gyan and Arthur meet, each recognize within the other their soul’s mate. The treaty has preserved Gyan’s ancient right to marry any man—but Arthur does not qualify. And the ambitious Urien, Arthur’s greatest political rival, shall not be so easily denied. If Gyan and Arthur cannot prevent Urien from plunging the Caledonians and Brytons back into war, their love will be doomed to remain unfulfilled forever.
Gyan let Arthur initiate the attack. While advancing to meet the blow, she stumbled, fell, and rolled to her stomach. As expected, he quickly moved in to claim the victory. The crowd cheered. But before she could feel the prickle of his sword on her neck, she twisted aside and hooked his legs with hers. Luck favored her; with a startled yelp, and equally startled noises from their audience, he went down. She scrambled to her feet and pinned him under the point of her sword. Amid the overall roar of disappointment, she could pick out phrases like “Trickery!” and “Not fair!” But the taunts didn’t bother her; victory had never tasted sweeter! Her only regret was that Ogryvan and Per and the rest of her clan couldn’t savor it with her.
Studying Arthur for a reaction, her grin soured. For several seconds, he stared at the sky as though stunned; whether physically or mentally, she couldn’t tell. Her concern rose as she wondered if she had injured him. Finally, he shook his head and attempted to sit up, but her sword barred his way.
“I concede the match, Chieftainess.” He released his sword and waved his open hand. “I won’t try anything unique. You have my word. Thank God my enemies aren’t half as devious as you are.” His grin could have stopped the sun in its course…and it was having an arresting effect on Gyan’s heart as well. “But I wouldn’t advise using that move in battle. Much too risky.”
“Oh. Yes, I—I know.” Chiding herself for how silly she must sound, she sheathed her sword and thrust out her hand. He tugged off his gloves and accepted her unspoken offer, gripped her forearm, and hauled himself up.
Pain stabbing her arm forced a strangled gasp from her throat. He shifted his grip to her hand and gently turned her arm to expose the underside. A long cut lay perilously close to one of the veins, seeping blood. He traced the vein lightly with a fingertip.
“When did I do this?” His voice was a hoarse whisper.
Staring at the cut, she wondered the same thing. Probably during their initial clash, though she really had no idea. She shrugged. Even that motion made her wince.
“Chieftainess, I didn’t mean to—” A stricken look shattered his bearing. He squeezed her hand. “God in heaven, Gyanhumara, I am so sorry.”
She wanted to reassure him that she’d be all right; the wound looked clean and wasn’t much deeper than a scratch. In fact, it was the least of her concerns. Enchanted by the sound of her name on his lips and mesmerized by his gaze, she felt the world seem to collapse to just the two of them. His face hovered over hers, his lips a handspan away. The warmth of his nearness had an intoxicating effect. She was acutely conscious of the tugging of her heart, as though it was trying to pull her closer to him. It wasn’t an unwelcome idea.
Buy Dawnflight via:
Kindle | Print | Audiobook | Nook | Kobo | iBooks
Follow Kim Headlee on:
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About Dawnflight:
Gyan is a Caledonian chieftainess by birth, a warrior and leader of warriors by training, and she is betrothed to Urien, a son of her clan’s deadliest enemy, by right of Arthur the Pendragon’s conquest of her people. For the sake of peace, Gyan is willing to sacrifice everything...perhaps even her very life, if her foreboding about Urien proves true.
Roman by his father, Brytoni by his mother, and denied hereditary rulership of his clan because of his mixed blood, Arthur is the supreme commander of the northern Brytoni army. The Caledonians, Scots, Saxons, and Angles keep him too busy to dwell upon his loneliness...most of the time.
When Gyan and Arthur meet, each recognize within the other their soul’s mate. The treaty has preserved Gyan’s ancient right to marry any man—but Arthur does not qualify. And the ambitious Urien, Arthur’s greatest political rival, shall not be so easily denied. If Gyan and Arthur cannot prevent Urien from plunging the Caledonians and Brytons back into war, their love will be doomed to remain unfulfilled forever.
Gyan let Arthur initiate the attack. While advancing to meet the blow, she stumbled, fell, and rolled to her stomach. As expected, he quickly moved in to claim the victory. The crowd cheered. But before she could feel the prickle of his sword on her neck, she twisted aside and hooked his legs with hers. Luck favored her; with a startled yelp, and equally startled noises from their audience, he went down. She scrambled to her feet and pinned him under the point of her sword. Amid the overall roar of disappointment, she could pick out phrases like “Trickery!” and “Not fair!” But the taunts didn’t bother her; victory had never tasted sweeter! Her only regret was that Ogryvan and Per and the rest of her clan couldn’t savor it with her.
Studying Arthur for a reaction, her grin soured. For several seconds, he stared at the sky as though stunned; whether physically or mentally, she couldn’t tell. Her concern rose as she wondered if she had injured him. Finally, he shook his head and attempted to sit up, but her sword barred his way.
“I concede the match, Chieftainess.” He released his sword and waved his open hand. “I won’t try anything unique. You have my word. Thank God my enemies aren’t half as devious as you are.” His grin could have stopped the sun in its course…and it was having an arresting effect on Gyan’s heart as well. “But I wouldn’t advise using that move in battle. Much too risky.”
“Oh. Yes, I—I know.” Chiding herself for how silly she must sound, she sheathed her sword and thrust out her hand. He tugged off his gloves and accepted her unspoken offer, gripped her forearm, and hauled himself up.
Pain stabbing her arm forced a strangled gasp from her throat. He shifted his grip to her hand and gently turned her arm to expose the underside. A long cut lay perilously close to one of the veins, seeping blood. He traced the vein lightly with a fingertip.
“When did I do this?” His voice was a hoarse whisper.
Staring at the cut, she wondered the same thing. Probably during their initial clash, though she really had no idea. She shrugged. Even that motion made her wince.
“Chieftainess, I didn’t mean to—” A stricken look shattered his bearing. He squeezed her hand. “God in heaven, Gyanhumara, I am so sorry.”
She wanted to reassure him that she’d be all right; the wound looked clean and wasn’t much deeper than a scratch. In fact, it was the least of her concerns. Enchanted by the sound of her name on his lips and mesmerized by his gaze, she felt the world seem to collapse to just the two of them. His face hovered over hers, his lips a handspan away. The warmth of his nearness had an intoxicating effect. She was acutely conscious of the tugging of her heart, as though it was trying to pull her closer to him. It wasn’t an unwelcome idea.
Buy Dawnflight via:
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Friday, March 14, 2014
Sink or Swim by Stacy Juba, Oh What an #EggcerptExchange
Eggcerpt Extravaganza
I am participating in Tina Gayle’s Eggcerpt Exchange, a great way for readers to learn about new books and authors. I’ll be featuring my mystery/romantic suspense novel Sink or Swim.

Blurb: How do you change the channel when reality TV turns to murder? Personal trainer Cassidy Novak has gained fame for starring on a hit reality show. Not only does she lose and have to walk the plank, but upon returning home, Cassidy discovers she is being stalked. As her former competitors get killed off, Cassidy refuses to play by the stalker’s bizarre rules. She’s also being shadowed by photographer Zach Gallagher, who has been assigned to capture her personal moments for the local newspaper. She wants to trust Zach, but fears he may not be as nice as he seems. When the stalker forces a showdown, Cassidy must walk the plank again – this time for her life. Sink or Swim was a Nook Top 20 Bestseller and was a Nook Mystery Bestseller, and was also a #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller in the Women Sleuths and Romantic Suspense categories.
Excerpt: Cassidy sat poised in her chair as former contestants filed onto the soundstage at WBC in New York. Together, the studio audience and television viewers had watched the recorded footage of her walking the plank. Gabriel would now interview the competitors from the inaugural season one final time. More importantly, he would announce her prize. If it erased most of her debts, then it would at least make this whole embarrassing experience worthwhile.
Cassidy’s heart kicked in her chest and sweat moistened her brow. As one of her old teammates entered, her heart rate skyrocketed for a different reason. Josh Sanchioni slid into a bucket seat, carrying himself stiffer than normal in his sharp gray suit. Studio lights caught his sunbleached strawberry blonde waves, brightening the reddish gold tints.
Cassidy slipped her gaze to his leather shoes. If Josh hadn’t been engaged, they could have been an item. Instead, they’d been good friends until that one evening when the cameras were off and they almost kissed. They’d both realized their mistake and backed away. Things were strained until Josh walked the plank a week later. Tonight, not only did Cassidy have to face Josh, she would probably meet his fiancée.
Her cheeks heating, Cassidy focused on the competitor beside Josh as a distraction. Adam Horton sat erect, hands folded in the lap of his olive green khakis. He wasn’t military, but he dressed like an Army wannabe. His reptilian eyes drilled into Cassidy, his angular face revealing the shape of bones underneath. A blond goatee darkened his pointy chin. Cassidy shuddered involuntarily. Adam never said much, but he made her uncomfortable just the same. She’d sense someone watching her on the ship and Adam would be lurking in the hatches. Luckily, he only lasted on the show two weeks.
“Before we catch up with our former contestants, I’d like to congratulate Cassidy on a job well done,” Gabriel said in the middle of the circle.
Applause thundered from the audience and a wave of excitement crested over her. Cassidy offered a smile for the cameras as Gabriel finished, “I’m proud to present you with your prize – a luxury vacation for two to the Bahamas on a real cruise ship with $3,000 spending money!”
Dumbfounded, Cassidy watched as a video depicted a majestic ocean liner on the large TV screen. “Set sail with us to the Bahamas, where you can swim with dolphins in turquoise waters, relax on sugar white beaches and explore the island’s history as a haven for pirates,” said the female announcer in a voice-over. “On your voyage, you can enjoy our ten lounges, two outdoor pools, luxury spa, casino, cinema, dynamite shows, and glass walls and elevators that get you up close to the ocean views.”
Another boat? More ocean views? Were they friggin’ serious? A frozen smile hovered on Cassidy’s lips. Too bad she’d already seen the counselor that afternoon and he’d attested that all her screws were still in place. This travesty might be enough to unhinge her.
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Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Love is a Rose - Part of the #EggcerptExchange
Good Morning Friends,
Since tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and that leads up to Easter, a bunch of authors have gotten together to share book excerpts in Tina Gayle's "Egg-cerpt Exchange" blog hop again this year and I'm one of them!
Since Lent and Easter are very special to me, I'd like to focus on my devotional Love is A Rose for this egg-cerpt exchange so here again are the details....
Since tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and that leads up to Easter, a bunch of authors have gotten together to share book excerpts in Tina Gayle's "Egg-cerpt Exchange" blog hop again this year and I'm one of them!
Since Lent and Easter are very special to me, I'd like to focus on my devotional Love is A Rose for this egg-cerpt exchange so here again are the details....
Music is the magical entry
into the spirit world; the golden gate into the Kingdom of God. But we mustn’t
be of the mindset that God only uses Christian music to reach out and touch our
mind, heart and spirit. God uses any and every means
available to speak to His children.
Our job is to be open and
In this devotional, Pamela S
Thibodeaux shares how God opened her spirit to a deeper understanding of the
abundance of His grace and mercy through the words of the song, The Rose sung by Country & Western
artist Conway Twitty.
Pamela offers Seeds to Ponder and a prayer as she
parallels the love of God and the Christian life to each verse of the song.
EGG-CERPT: Introduction
Bible talks of harps playing and choirs of angelic hosts singing. It also tells
us to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” The Israelites were ordered to send
the praise and worship team—playing musical instruments, dancing and
singing—ahead of the soldiers into battle. So there must be something
special and powerful about music.
is an intricate element of worship, an aspect of praise that brings you into
intimate proximity with the Lord. Music lifts you physically (fatigue
disappears, pain is forgotten), mentally (your mind is filled with it, erasing
everything else), emotionally (you are saturated with joy and peace) and
spiritually (your spirit soars on the wings of His); opening your heart and
mind to receive more of God’s presence, more of His truth.
is the magical entry into the spirit world; the golden gate into the Kingdom of
God. But we mustn’t be of the mindset that God only uses Christian music to
reach out and touch our mind, heart and spirit. God uses any and every
means available to speak to His children.
job is to be open and receptive.
every Christian song I hear touches my heart in some way, urging me into
a closer walk with God and bringing me a truer knowledge of Jesus. Amazingly
though, the one song that really opened my spirit to a deeper understanding of
the abundance of His grace and mercy wasn’t a Christian song but a Country one.
never forget the morning in 1995 when The Rose as performed by Conway
Twitty came to me in its entirety with Bible references or Scriptures
correlating to every verse…
Some say love, it is a
river that drowns the tender reed…“A bruised reed He will not break.”
Some say love, it is a
razor that leaves your soul to bleed….Bible Conversion; a cutting or stripping
away of old beliefs.
Some say love, it is a
hunger, an endless, aching need…"As the hind longs for running
water, so my soul longs for thee oh God...”
I say love, it is a
flower, and you its only seed…“If you have faith the size of a mustard
It’s the heart, afraid
of breaking, that never learns to dance… David danced before the Lord.
It's the dream, afraid
of waking, that never takes the chance…"Entrust your works
unto the Lord and your plans will succeed."
It's the one who won't
be taken, who cannot seem to give…“Love is not selfish…For God so loved the world
He GAVE…!”
And the soul, afraid of
dying, that never learns to live…"What shall a man give in exchange
for his soul…For what is man profited if he should gain the whole world but
lose his soul?” Or more accurately…“Let
not your heart be anxious, for I am with you always, even unto the end of
When the night has been
too lonely, and the road has been too long…"I am going but I
will not leave you alone. I will send you a comforter, a counselor to guide and
help you.”
And you think that love
is only for the lucky and the strong…. “God is love and he who dwells in love
dwells with God. The meek shall inherit the earth…blessed are the poor in
spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.”
Just remember in the
(of darkness and sin)....Jesus died so that we might have life, He conquered
sin and darkness…. “I came so that you might have life, in abundance, to the
full, overflowing.”
Far beneath the bitter
can something so beautiful, so pure, be so bitter and cold? God is light. He
washes us clean with the shed blood of His Son so that we might be as pure as
the snow.
Lies the seed, (of faith)...that with the sun's (Son's) the spring... (season of new birth, new life)...becomes the rose (an attractive flower).
what a revelation!
immediately sat down and wrote the ensuing compilation paralleling the love of
God and the life of a Christian to the words of this song.
do you suppose God used a country song to teach me about Himself?
believe God was using a means familiar to me to show the depth and power of His
love for me.
is my prayer the words contained herein will do the same for you.
I begin, let me answer a few questions about myself. I am not a minister or
even a candidate for the ministry. I have no degree or doctorate in psychology
or anything resembling either. I am simply a Christian housewife and mother
who's been blessed with a talent for writing and who desires to glorify the
Lord of my life with that talent.
I said in my opening statement, the Lord led me to write this analogy so the
words in it (and I'm sure He also led the songwriter to write such a beautiful
song) are His, guided through me by the power of the Holy Spirit to speak to
you. So, let's begin.
Love is A Rose can be Purchased at:
Smashwords for E-Readers and Deeper Shopping!
Find me at:
Thanks for letting me share!
Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" ™
Friday, March 7, 2014
Happy Birthday Baby! in the #EggcerptExchange @toryrichards
Happy Birthday Baby!
“You’ve changed your mind about coming home with me?”
“I’m sure you can find a replacement,” I said, thinking about the waitress inside.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked angrily. “What did that jerk tell you?”
“Enough to know you won’t be lonely. I only hope my friends didn’t pay you too much to sleep with me.” The hand on my arm tightened, revealing either I’d hit a nerve, or he was growing angrier. “I’m okay with it, Joe, really. I should have known a man like you would have to be paid for a little, ah, extra special attention.”
“A man like me?” His tone was low and gravelly, and I didn’t need any light to know he was clenching his teeth. “Well, let’s go then. I want to make sure I give you their money’s worth.”
Surprisingly, I wasn’t frightened of Joe. He brought out other emotions in me. So when he began pulling me behind him I didn’t protest. He was just too damned sexy, and arousal still hummed through my body. I knew that with his talents he’d have me eating out of his hand in seconds. He was a tall man, his steps much wider than mine, and it was inevitable that I’d stumble. When I did, he caught me, and pulled me up into his arms without breaking stride.
“This isn’t necessary.” A thrill shot through me in spite of my mild protest. I couldn’t recall the last time a man carried me.
He just grunted. When we reached his car, he dropped me to my feet at the passenger’s side door. I barely had time to notice it was a Corvette before he crushed me against the door and kissed me roughly. Caught totally by surprise, at first, I stiffened, but within seconds, I melted against him like ice cream on a hot sidewalk. Oh my God, the man knew how to kiss! When he reined in his aggressive attack, his mouth turned soft and coaxing, dragging me into a realm of endless erotic possibilities.
My Novella Featured in the Eggcerpt Exchange
What better way to spend your fiftieth birthday than with the hot male stripper you’ve been coveting for months! Proving you can have fun at any age, Happy Birthday Baby! from author Tory Richards is a celebration of life you won’t soon forget.
Available for pre-order!
Excerpt - “Lana, wait.” I heard Joe’s voice and picked up my step, which was hard to do on gravel while wearing heels. He caught up with me in no time, gently taking hold of my arm and drawing me to a halt. “Are you okay?”
I knew we were looking at each other, but it was too dark to see his expression. “Yes. I just need some light to call a cab.”
“You’ve changed your mind about coming home with me?”
“I’m sure you can find a replacement,” I said, thinking about the waitress inside.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he asked angrily. “What did that jerk tell you?”
“Enough to know you won’t be lonely. I only hope my friends didn’t pay you too much to sleep with me.” The hand on my arm tightened, revealing either I’d hit a nerve, or he was growing angrier. “I’m okay with it, Joe, really. I should have known a man like you would have to be paid for a little, ah, extra special attention.”
“A man like me?” His tone was low and gravelly, and I didn’t need any light to know he was clenching his teeth. “Well, let’s go then. I want to make sure I give you their money’s worth.”
Surprisingly, I wasn’t frightened of Joe. He brought out other emotions in me. So when he began pulling me behind him I didn’t protest. He was just too damned sexy, and arousal still hummed through my body. I knew that with his talents he’d have me eating out of his hand in seconds. He was a tall man, his steps much wider than mine, and it was inevitable that I’d stumble. When I did, he caught me, and pulled me up into his arms without breaking stride.
“This isn’t necessary.” A thrill shot through me in spite of my mild protest. I couldn’t recall the last time a man carried me.
He just grunted. When we reached his car, he dropped me to my feet at the passenger’s side door. I barely had time to notice it was a Corvette before he crushed me against the door and kissed me roughly. Caught totally by surprise, at first, I stiffened, but within seconds, I melted against him like ice cream on a hot sidewalk. Oh my God, the man knew how to kiss! When he reined in his aggressive attack, his mouth turned soft and coaxing, dragging me into a realm of endless erotic possibilities.
Available Liquid Silver Books
More information about Tory Richards
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Thursday, March 6, 2014
A Dark #EggcerptExchange - Dark Hunter @shannanalbright
Dark Hunter-A Dark Breed Enforcers novella- part of the Eggcerpt Exchange.
Vampire Mari Ankamunan struggles to pick up the
pieces of her life after her bar The Asp becomes a war zone between the
Enforcers and members of the Preservation Society, who want all dark breeds
wiped out. The sudden appearance of the only man she ever loved brings her
world to a crashing halt, for she witnessed his brutal murder two thousand
years ago.
Navar’s spoken oaths to his Sire cost him Mari. Torn
from her side by the sidhe queen, he is her Hunter, delivering justice for
crimes against the breeds. Now freed he returns to his lovers side only to be
caught in a dark plot where Mari is targeted for death.
The stakes are high, can they uncover a deadly plot
against the Enforcers or will Navar lose Mari, forever by an assassin’s hand?
“I will do everything in my power to protect her,
even lay down my life if it comes to that.” Navar’s words rang in the still
air, spoken as an oath.
“Marcus will be relieved to find out Mari is well
protected. I know after the incident with the Preservation Society, he has been
concerned for her safety. Someday you must tell me how you secured your
Mari blinked at the two men, feeling left out of the
loop in the XY-chromosome chat. Males.
Can’t live without them and can’t kill
them. Irritation spiked into the red zone, her patience threadbare for the
bullshit. Placing her diminutive self between the two towering males, she gave
them both a fearless glare and fisted her hands on her hips.
All conversation stopped as they stared down at her
with surprise. Good, now she had their attention. “I’ve been alive since the
time of Cleopatra. I didn’t survive all those centuries by being a fucking weak
female. I can fight, strategize, and I damn well have enough intellect in this
‘girly’ brain to figure out what I need to do to save my own hide, thank you
very much. Now, if you don’t mind talking to
me, not about me, it would be appreciated and might save your ball sacs from
relocating somewhere north on your body. Are we clear, boys?”
Adrian threw his head back and roared a large
rolling laugh that reverberated throughout the room. She blinked in surprise.
She’d never once seen any enforcer laugh. Sure, they smiled, chuckled, and even
smirked, but never laughed. She found it…disconcerting.
“Point taken. You will have your hands full with
this little hellion, hunter. I don’t envy you.”
“Little hellion indeed. Yet well worth the extra
trouble,” Navar agreed, his pale eyes darkening with hunger.
Available at:
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Lisa Carlisle's Dark Velvet in #EggcerptExchange
I’m here to share an excerpt of my recent release, Dark Velvet. This is the start of a new series of new adult erotic romances set on a remote New England island. Paranormal aspects, a medieval-styled castle, and a hot as hell hero.
Grad student Savannah Evans is thrilled to be accepted as a resident to a prestigious art colony. Where else would she be able to focus on her craft of writing poetry in a setting like that of the medieval-styled castle? The remote New England island is a respite from her hectic city life. When she meets her benefactor, a mysterious French sculptor, her expectations for carefree days writing near the ocean are distracted by unprofessional fantasies about her sponsor.
Antoine Chevalier built Les Beaux Arts on DeRoche Island to bring purpose back to an existence that has lost meaning. He’s wandered the earth for decades and finds solace in returning to art. When Savannah applies for a residency, something about her words touches him. After her arrival, a physical attraction grows between them, which he struggles against. She deserves more than someone of his kind.
Antoine proposes they become lovers during her stay. But the situation turns complicated when Savannah discovers his secret. She had suspicions about his identity, but finds the truth overwhelming. Consumed by her desire for Antoine and faced with a tough decision, she is blind to the danger that has arrived at DeRoche Island.
New adult / paranormal / erotic romance
Savannah’s fingers traced the cool marble of the god’s muscular back and then the definition in his arm as he drew an arrow to shoot. She pictured Antoine bent over the sculpture, brows furrowed in concentration, losing sense of time as he polished each portion to perfection.
“Do you like this?” A deep voice whispering in her ear startled her.
She jumped at the sound of his voice, bumping back into his hard chest, and he caught her upper arms to steady her. Only one man in the castle spoke in that smooth French accent—the sculptor himself.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Antoine.” She fumbled taking a half step forward, away from him. “I shouldn’t have touched it.”
“No, don’t apologize.” He let go of her arms, but his warm breath tickled her ear.
He took her hand, caressing her palm, which sent tingles up her arm. Her bottom lip quivered as he brought her fingers to rest again on the marble piece. She thanked the gods he remained behind her so he couldn’t witness her nervous reaction, and she bit her lip to halt the tremors. This was not the way for a young protégée to behave in front of her benefactor. He owned the castle, created the art colony here where she was attending on a poetry scholarship—she shouldn’t go gaga simply from his touch. Which was exactly what she was doing.
“It pleases me that you appreciate my work.” Leading her fingers down the figure’s chiseled chest, he leaned in closer and added, “I liked watching you admire it.”
His voice alone sent flames rippling through her. Every nerve in her being lit with awareness in reaction to him. In the months since they’d met, they’d never been alone in such proximity. Weeks of heated looks from afar had inflamed her desire so the slightest touch became intimate, strengthening her need for more.
Sounds of approaching voices indicated this evening’s performance in the chateau would soon begin. Several of the musicians in the art colony had collaborated on orchestral pieces they wanted to play in front of an audience for the first time. As fellow artists in residence, they sought the support of fellow residents.
Antoine kissed her hand like a suitor in a bygone era. “I hope you enjoy the concert, Savannah.”
Her lips parted, opening and closing like a fish while she thought of what to say. When she mustered up the courage to turn and face him, he had already left the room, filling her with both relief and disappointment. Unaware she’d been holding her breath, she exhaled deeply.
Several times over the course of the evening, Savannah caught Antoine’s dark eyes watching her. Her emotions roiled in confusion while the performers played Barber’s Adagio for Strings. The way he held her gaze without blinking made her squirm in the burgundy armchair. The rising tension and resolution from the violin and cello underscored her tumultuous emotions.
She smiled at him briefly and focused on the musicians, aware of how her heartbeat had escalated. When she glanced again at Antoine, he still watched her unabashed, as if unconcerned about what the others would think. He took a sip of Porto, nodded her way, and then returned his attention to the musicians. She sat up straighter and crossed her legs at the ankles, then uncrossed them, and crossed them again.
The attraction was becoming more difficult to ignore. In light of how he breached the physical distance by touching her so earlier, she feared she’d be unable to keep her desires hidden much longer. She’d developed an instant crush since she arrived at the castle three months before. How could she not be—he was a renowned sculptor with a devastating, dark appeal. What was she to him than just another young resident who would be gone in three months, replaced by another.
Was she reading more into the brief exchange than was warranted?
Adjusting in her seat, she pictured kissing his soft lips, tasting the sweet rich Porto on his tongue. A tingle grew in her nipples. She imagined him touching them, kissing them, as he peered at her with those seductive eyes. An ardent rush of desire flooded between her thighs.
It’s just a look. Only a casual glance my way. Even as she attempted to fool herself, she knew she was full of shit.
Buy links:
Lisa CarlisleDark heroes, feisty heroines, scorching stories
Dark Velvet
Lisa Carlisle
Chateau Seductions series

Antoine Chevalier built Les Beaux Arts on DeRoche Island to bring purpose back to an existence that has lost meaning. He’s wandered the earth for decades and finds solace in returning to art. When Savannah applies for a residency, something about her words touches him. After her arrival, a physical attraction grows between them, which he struggles against. She deserves more than someone of his kind.
Antoine proposes they become lovers during her stay. But the situation turns complicated when Savannah discovers his secret. She had suspicions about his identity, but finds the truth overwhelming. Consumed by her desire for Antoine and faced with a tough decision, she is blind to the danger that has arrived at DeRoche Island.
New adult / paranormal / erotic romance
Savannah’s fingers traced the cool marble of the god’s muscular back and then the definition in his arm as he drew an arrow to shoot. She pictured Antoine bent over the sculpture, brows furrowed in concentration, losing sense of time as he polished each portion to perfection.
“Do you like this?” A deep voice whispering in her ear startled her.
She jumped at the sound of his voice, bumping back into his hard chest, and he caught her upper arms to steady her. Only one man in the castle spoke in that smooth French accent—the sculptor himself.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Antoine.” She fumbled taking a half step forward, away from him. “I shouldn’t have touched it.”
“No, don’t apologize.” He let go of her arms, but his warm breath tickled her ear.
He took her hand, caressing her palm, which sent tingles up her arm. Her bottom lip quivered as he brought her fingers to rest again on the marble piece. She thanked the gods he remained behind her so he couldn’t witness her nervous reaction, and she bit her lip to halt the tremors. This was not the way for a young protégée to behave in front of her benefactor. He owned the castle, created the art colony here where she was attending on a poetry scholarship—she shouldn’t go gaga simply from his touch. Which was exactly what she was doing.
“It pleases me that you appreciate my work.” Leading her fingers down the figure’s chiseled chest, he leaned in closer and added, “I liked watching you admire it.”
His voice alone sent flames rippling through her. Every nerve in her being lit with awareness in reaction to him. In the months since they’d met, they’d never been alone in such proximity. Weeks of heated looks from afar had inflamed her desire so the slightest touch became intimate, strengthening her need for more.
Sounds of approaching voices indicated this evening’s performance in the chateau would soon begin. Several of the musicians in the art colony had collaborated on orchestral pieces they wanted to play in front of an audience for the first time. As fellow artists in residence, they sought the support of fellow residents.
Antoine kissed her hand like a suitor in a bygone era. “I hope you enjoy the concert, Savannah.”
Her lips parted, opening and closing like a fish while she thought of what to say. When she mustered up the courage to turn and face him, he had already left the room, filling her with both relief and disappointment. Unaware she’d been holding her breath, she exhaled deeply.
Several times over the course of the evening, Savannah caught Antoine’s dark eyes watching her. Her emotions roiled in confusion while the performers played Barber’s Adagio for Strings. The way he held her gaze without blinking made her squirm in the burgundy armchair. The rising tension and resolution from the violin and cello underscored her tumultuous emotions.
She smiled at him briefly and focused on the musicians, aware of how her heartbeat had escalated. When she glanced again at Antoine, he still watched her unabashed, as if unconcerned about what the others would think. He took a sip of Porto, nodded her way, and then returned his attention to the musicians. She sat up straighter and crossed her legs at the ankles, then uncrossed them, and crossed them again.
The attraction was becoming more difficult to ignore. In light of how he breached the physical distance by touching her so earlier, she feared she’d be unable to keep her desires hidden much longer. She’d developed an instant crush since she arrived at the castle three months before. How could she not be—he was a renowned sculptor with a devastating, dark appeal. What was she to him than just another young resident who would be gone in three months, replaced by another.
Was she reading more into the brief exchange than was warranted?
Adjusting in her seat, she pictured kissing his soft lips, tasting the sweet rich Porto on his tongue. A tingle grew in her nipples. She imagined him touching them, kissing them, as he peered at her with those seductive eyes. An ardent rush of desire flooded between her thighs.
It’s just a look. Only a casual glance my way. Even as she attempted to fool herself, she knew she was full of shit.
Buy links:
Lisa CarlisleDark heroes, feisty heroines, scorching stories
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Sunday, March 2, 2014
Ebook Extravaganza at Smashword in Read an Ebook Week
This week Smashword is having an huge sale.
To join in the fun all my books are 50% off.
So here are a few books available.
Check them out,
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