TITLE – Raging Sea: Reckonings
SERIES – The Dragon’s Dove Chronicles, book 3.1
AUTHOR – Kim Iverson Headlee
GENRE – Epic Historical Fantasy
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 104 pages/20K words
PUBLISHER – Pendragon Cove Press
COVER ARTIST – Natasha Brown

Raging Sea: Reckonings =can= be read standalone,
but the reader will be better informed if s/he has read Dawnflight (book 1;
Kindle worldwide link http://getBook.at/Dawnflight_2ed_by_KIH_Kindle
) and particularly Morning’s Journey (book 2; Kindle worldwide link http://getBook.at/Mornings_Journey_by_KIH_Kindle
) first.
Those who aspire to greatness must first learn servanthood.
Stripped of kin, clan, country, and even his identity for having failed the
most important woman in his life and her infant son, Angusel begins the arduous
task of rebuilding his life and reclaiming his honor. The path he treads is
fraught with uncomfortable revelations, unexpected reconciliations… and
unavoidable reckonings.
AMAZON WORLDWIDE LINK: http://getBook.at/Raging_Sea_Reckonings_by_KIH_Kindle
(Kindle Unlimited only)
Gull gave Angusel a measuring stare, glanced at the skies—which had
remained calm, and the temperature was behaving itself for once—and reached a
decision. “Elian, the wood can keep. Our wee lion cub needs a woman. So do I,
truth be told.” He picked up his sword.
Over Angusel’s embarrassed, “What!”
soared Elian’s hearty laughter. “I suppose you know just the place,” said the
centurion with a grin.
“Of course. Don’t you?” Gull shot back. When he got no response, he
continued, “How long has it been for ye, auld boar?”
Elian’s grin soured. He pivoted on his wooden leg and stomped inside the
cottage. Without looking back he said, “None of your cac-licking business. Take
him, then. Just don’t be all day about it.” The words faded with distance until
the last few were almost inaudible.
Kim Headlee lives on a farm in southwestern Virginia with her family, cats,
goats, Great Pyrenees goat guards, and assorted wildlife. People and creatures
come and go, but the cave and the 250-year-old house ruins—the latter having
been occupied as recently as the mid-twentieth century—seem to be sticking
around for a while yet. She has been an award-winning novelist since 1999
(Dawnflight 1st edition, Sonnet Books, Simon & Schuster) and has
been studying the Arthurian Legends for nigh on half a century.
AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE (Worldwide link) – http://Author.to/Kim_Headlee_Amazon_page
WEBSITE – http://www.kimheadlee.com
FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/KimIversonHeadlee
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TRIBERR PROFILE – http://triberr.com/KimHeadlee
ARTHURVERSE TRIBERR TRIBE – http://triberr.com/pages/tribe-overview.php?tid=61110
YOUTUBE CHANNEL – http://www.youtube.com/user/gyanhumara
Thanks Kim for letting us know about your free read,
1 comment:
You're welcome, Tina, and thanks so much for featuring RAGING SEA: Reckonings here today!
All my warmest wishes,
Kim Headlee
Stories make us greater.
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