Thursday, August 21, 2014

@GoddessFish Presents Share the Moon by Sharon Struth

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Share the Moon

by Sharon Struth






Sometimes trust is the toughest lesson to learn.


Sophie Shaw is days away from signing a contract that will fulfill her dream of owning a vineyard. For her, it’s a chance to restart her life and put past tragedies to rest. But Duncan Jamieson’s counter offer blows hers out to sea.


Duncan still finds Sophie as appealing as he had during boyhood vacations to the lake. Older and wiser now, he has his own reasons for wanting the land. His offer, however, hinges on a zoning change approval.


Bribery rumors threaten the deal and make Sophie wary of Duncan, yet she cannot deny his appeal. When her journalistic research uncovers a Jamieson family secret, trust becomes the hardest lesson for them both.



"Heart-tugging small town romance with real emotion. Struth is an author to watch!"

—Laura Drake, author of RITA-award winning The Sweet Spot


"Superb… throw in a hunky dad, a small town and a savvy heroine who gets the job done and you've got me hooked!"

—Rachel Brimble, author of A Man like Him






“Now, gently swirl the wine.” A slight twist of Sophie’s wrist rotated the glass.


Duncan copied her moves, realizing she made the gesture fluid, easier than his attempts.


“This gives the molecules a little nudge to entertain us. I mean, who doesn’t like to be entertained.” She waved a playful brow. “Once you get them moving, stick your nose up close and take a whiff.”


Sophie brought her straight nose close to the rim. Her lids dropped, as if prepared to receive a scent from heaven. She inhaled. Passion-filled concentration dominated her expression, leaving him mesmerized, unable to stop watching even as he lifted his own glass. He copied her movements, contemplating the aroma in a way he’d never done before.


When he opened his eyes, she’d been watching. “Anything stand out?”


He took a second, shorter whiff. “Pepper, I think.”


Her mouth turned into a half-surprised, half-pleased smile. “Very good.”


A sensation fluttered in his gut, her approval an unexpected joy.


“I smelled some kind of berry too. Now take a decent taste. Let the liquid coat your entire mouth. It’ll feel different on your tongue versus the roof of your mouth or the inside of your cheeks. There are all kinds of hidden flavors. Some bold, others more subtle.”


She brought the glass to her lips then stopped, leaned across the counter, and placed her soft palm over the hand where he held the glass. A sweet floral scent drifted from her hair. She dropped her voice, now low and sexy. “A ready guy like you should take your time with this one.” She cocked a loaded brow. “Really work hard and you’ll detect the wine’s secrets.”


Heat crept up his neck again.


The microwave buzzer sounded but she kept her gaze on him as she tipped back her goblet. Her full lips brushed the rim with the delicate touch of a first kiss.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


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Sharon Struth is an award-winning author who believes it’s never too late for a second chance in love or life. When she’s not writing, she and her husband happily sip their way through the scenic towns of the Connecticut Wine Trail. Sharon writes from the small town of Bethel, Connecticut, the friendliest place she’s ever lived. For more information, including where to find her other novels and published essays, please visit her at



Buy Links:







Other Links:



Musings from the Middle Ages & More:



Twitter: @sharonstruth


Sharon will be awarding a $25 Amazon Gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. 



Thanks for sharing your book with us,


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting me, Tina!

MomJane said...

I really enjoyed this very sexy excerpt.

Unknown said...

I like the excerpt. It's nice to see a part of the book in advance.

Suus said...

The excerpt, it looks great!

Mary Preston said...

A great excerpt.

Rita Wray said...

Thank you for the excerpt.