Saturday, October 4, 2014

Susan Wingate with a #FallingIntoLove Book - The Deer Effect

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A romping ghost story! between Heaven and Earth lies The Deer Effect...

"High psychological suspense."
"Inspiring and uplifting."
"Haunting ghost action."

When his wife, Hannah, is found dead near the body of a fawn on the side of the road, Rod Dempsey sets out on a journey to find the killer (with the dog who seems to be able to communicate with his dead wife's spirit). His grief makes his faith wither until an unexpected turn brings Rod face-to-face with the only person who can tell him what really happened to his wife.
THE DEER EFFECT is a story of loss, redemption and forgiveness. Fans of Alice Sebold, Garth Stein and Frank Peretti will love THE DEER EFFECT.
- excerpt
When you reach Heaven, you're given three memories. Just three. One for the past, one for the present and one for the future.
My memories? Of my mother, my husband and my dog. In that order.
Part I
One brittle leaf found along our usual path proved the days had gone wintry. Papery thin as onion skin--blanched from frosty temperatures and yellowing like the pages of an old Bible, the leaf’s long slender shafts, crooked and dry, painted my world.
The blue sky dragged me out that Sunday in December—December 5, 2010, if you must know—when the temperature rose to only forty-two Fahrenheit. What was I thinking?
Hold on. Wait a second. Let me back up just a tad.
For your information, I'm dead. Although I speak of myself, make no mistakes. I died this day.
This story will tell you a tale about my dog and my husband and the two going on a journey in order to come to terms with my death. It's their story. Through my eyes, ears, nose, fingers, tongue and mind you'll get a sense of me, of course—an infusion of me, but I'm just the storyteller here. Make no mistakes.
It looked like a good day to take the dog for a walk. A good day to walk, to let off steam from a nonstop fight about money between me and my husband.
Bobby, to anyone who knew us, was my dog. He slept with me on my side of the bed at Rod’s request. Although Rod liked animals, at least the concept of them, he’s not exactly what I would call an animal person.
I held that distinction in our small family pack.
The photo of Bobby and his litter mates showed each of them, cream-filled bellies, shocking white with piglet-pink skin peeking through their fur, up on the bed on a blue thermal blanket trimmed in satin. There were five in all—females and males—some playing with each other, others looking askance, but not Bobby. His button eyes and black nose peered into the camera lens. And, when all the other ears spiked up at attention, Bobby's flapped over as if someone had missed him in the proper ear assembly line. Perhaps the dog-ear quality controller had taken the day off when he rolled through.
"That one." I pointed. "I want him." It was instant, the falling in love.
- Purchase links
For presale exclusively on Amazon!
- author short bio - 100 words or less: Tina, I’ve chopped this bio down as far as I can. I hope it’s okay.
Susan began writing as a child when she learned her father was a writer. A vibrant public speaker, Susan offers inspiring, motivational talks about...
Blah, blah, blah.
That's the stuff my agent wants you to know. You can find out all that mumbo-jumbo throughout my website. I hate redundancy. So, if you really want to examine my career, check out the pages for my books, awards and FAQs.
What I want you to know is a little about me, the person. 
I like to golf. I want to learn to fly planes. I've parasailed in Mexico. I ride horses and love animals of all kinds. I'm one of these people who removes spiders from inside their house and sets them free outside. I save moths from webs when I notice them struggling which irritates spiders I have saved. This is called a "conundrum."
Susan Wingate
- author links -
Amazon Author Profile:

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Thanks Susan for sharing,


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