Friday, October 6, 2017

Fashion for the @ECWC_Seattle_WA Event for #Authors #TinaTidings

If you haven't been following along on my fashion adventure, make sure to scroll down and see the other outfits I'm looking at wear at the ECWC conference in Seattle.

The quest with these post, is to find an outfit that not only I like but others think I look good in. So feel free to leave a comment.

Today, I'm working with my cream colored hat so all the clothes will hopefully accent the hat.

If you saw yesterday post you will notice that I also tried this outfit with my black hat. Today, I'm pairing the shirt with cream color pants and hat.

Now, I'm switching color scheme and going with blue pants, a purple shell with a multicolor jacket.

Also, I wanted to try outfit that included a dress.

Which ones do you like?

Leave a comment and let me know,

Thanks everyone and hope to see you in Seattle,


1 comment:

Personalized Marketing Inc said...

I personally love the Blue Dress and the Black one... Of course Blue and Black are two of my favorite colors. :D

I cannot wait to hear about the fabulous turnout for the conference and cannot thank you enough for going.