Tova's Dragon
by Lyndi Lamont
Amber Quill Press
Genres: Shapeshifter Erotic Romance
Heat Level: 3
Length: Novella (20k words)
Four Fun Facts about Tova’s Dragon:
1) The story came to me in a dream. My last thought before
falling asleep was that I wanted to write a dragon shifter story. That night I
had a vivid dream about a young woman running away from a lightning storm. She
found shelter in a cave where a dragon guarded its lair.
2) About a week later I had trouble sleeping. While I was
lying in bed awake, the story started to take shape in my mind. I jumped out of
bed at 4 AM, went into the living room, grabbed a yellow pad and started
writing. When I stopped, , I had the outline for what became Tova's Dragon.
3) I was so enthused I bought a dragon figurine for
inspiration, and later I got a dragon pendant that I still wear.
4) A friend sent an email that she was looking to get rid of
her Celtic Dragon Tarot deck, and I jumped at the chance to buy it from her.
The cards are lovely and helped me come up with some scene ideas.
Tova, an earth mage, rejuvenates through sex magic. She's on
a mission to save her homeland, but her magical energy is running low--closing
in on empty. How is she to know the handsome half-naked man she encounters is
not only a condemned man, but also a dragonshifter? Talk about hot and steamy
sex. And nothing is simple after that...
Kane has always loved Velosian women and their sex magic.
Tova's warmth stirs his passions and her courage touches his heart, but he
dreads telling her of his true nature, certain she will recoil. But Tova is
made of sterner stuff.
Together, Kane and Tova have the power to save Velosia. If
they survive, can an earth mage find happiness with a dragonshifter? In a land
where sex and magic are intertwined, anything may be possible.
Buy Link:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007AZAN0U/
Tova awoke to find herself on a soft bed wrapped in the
embrace of a very hot, very aroused man. She opened her eyes and looked around
the dimly lit chamber. “Where am I?”
“In my cave. You fell and hit your head.”
She squirmed around to stare at the man, and it all came
back to her—the climb up the mountain, the lightning storm, being guided to the
cave, and falling in the tunnel. “Your cave,” she repeated. “And you are?”
“I am Kane.”
Why did his name sound so familiar? She studied the face
just inches from her own. He was older than she, perhaps in his third decade.
Long black hair hung down to his shoulders and his eyes were a warm shade of
amber under straight black brows. Her gaze dropped to sensual lips above a
cleft chin. He was handsome as sin and naked to the waist. A shiver traveled up
her spine and her heartbeat increased.
Around his neck he wore a heavy gold chain with a large,
luminous pearl dangling from it. When she reached out to touch the pearl, she
sensed power radiating from it, from him. “It was you who guided me to the
cave, was it not? I thank you.”
“It was my pleasure, daughter of earth.”
She smiled at the apt nickname. “I am called Tova
“How are you feeling, Mistress Tova?”
She assessed the situation. Though she was warmer, her head
still hurt and her energy was depleted. Self-healing would take a long time in
this state. “Weak, a feeling I can ill afford.”
“Where were you headed in such a hurry?” he asked, his voice
casual. “What on earth brought you to my mountain?”
She hesitated, not certain whether or not to trust him.
Mutti Zee’s instructions echoed in her head. “I seek the Lord of Drakkenberg.”
Kane raised his brows. “You have come to the right place,
though the old lord is dead.”
Suddenly, she realized who he was and scooted away from him.
’Twas just her luck to be rescued by the most feared outlaw in the land.
“Please do not hurt me, Kane of Drakkenberg.”
With a sigh, he rose from the bed, clad only in his breeches
and hose. “I would never hurt you, Lady Tova. I am not the monster legend
depicts me. Well, not entirely.”
Author bio:
Lyndi Lamont is the racy alter ego of author Linda
McLaughlin, who writes historical and Regency Romance. Since becoming Lyndi
Lamont, she has discovered that writing sexy romance is a license to be
naughty, at least between the pages of a book.
Find her online at:
Website/blog: http://lindalyndi.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LyndiLamont
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/LyndiLamont
1 comment:
Thanks for featuring Tova's Dragon today.
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