Dreamtime Sensuality
Many a dream can be realised with a little
forethought. The characters in this quartet of stories are intelligent,
sensitive and literary. They are also supremely voyeuristic and open-minded.
Their intelligence is counterbalanced by inhibitions, which they can only lose
by premeditated seduction scenarios, which relate intimately to their
professional, creative and cultural lives. The great effort each couple puts
into arranging a scenario seems to enhance the quality of the experience. A
great source of inspiration for this and other works has been the novel The
Girl Beneath the Lion by André Pieyre de Mandiargues.
Seductive Semaphore: Fashion Designer Bethesda and
journalist Hector live opposite each other, with windows facing. They make
initial contact through visible, provocative gestures. Soon afterwards, they
get direct contact when Hector assists Bethesda with her folio. She invites him
round to model for some of her fashion creations, and proceeds to seduce him.
The seduction continues with a ritual visit to a sports centre, and then to a
beach. They leave it open as to whether their relationship could ever become
The Heroine and the Author: Dreamer Hecate discovers she has
a terminal illness. She wants to make the most of the time she has left by
being celebrated in literature as a charismatic, legendary figure. She meets
Ferdinand, a ghost writer, who is happy to undertake this massive project with
her. In the process, She gets an idea of his physique through jogging and the
fitness centre. Then there is a seduction scene inspired by the literary models
of Sappho and Donne. Being ‘open-minded’, they make a pact for each one to go
and have a sexual adventure – his hetero, hers lesbian. Their relationship is
enhanced by this extra dimension.
Dreamtime Sensuality: Romona, highly literary and highly
inhibited, goes to an exotic island location. She deeply desires a passionate
encounter. At the Pension where she stays, she meets Stefano, who fulfils her
requirements exactly. The proprietress of the Pension picks up on Romona’s
shyness, and gives her reassurance, including some practice in the art of
kissing. Romona orchestrates an elaborate beach seduction scenario, and they
are both fulfilled. They never meet again, but their exchange of emails and
text messages goes on indefinitely.
Dancing with Danger: Verona is a Scriptwriter and Gareth an
archaeologist. They both have ‘retreats’ near the coast, and discover their
common interests. Verona contrives a half-seduction on a deserted beach,
wearing 18th century retro gear – related to their common interests. After some
further encounters, they give each other a ‘dare’ to go and have a really risky
encounter with someone really dodgy. Gareth finds a young woman on the run.
Verona has a rapturous encounter with someone who gets hauled in by the police,
suspected of terrorism. She uses her charm on the interrogating police officer
to extricate herself. So Verona and Gareth both meet up again, to tell their
respective tales.
Excerpt (500 words or less):
Hecate read some verses of Sappho, which she felt totally
appropriate to his slender grace, so nearly androgynous. She
quoted a phrase demanding his fixed, concentrated stare into her eyes. The eye
contact was clinched Hecate’s introduction was a quote from her.
Ferdinand responded to the prompt; he knew what he had to
do—gradually, at intervals, he removed his garments one by one as she breathily
read the hypnotic, seductive phrases.
His garments came off with ease and grace, he obviously had
some long-repressed desire to do this. At last, he stood before her, beautiful,
naked, and slender. Somehow, his spirit prevailed over his earlier reticence,
he shed his shyness with his clothing. Since she saw him in trunks, Hecate
anticipated this moment with such relish. If the pool had been empty when they
were there, she would have taken them off there, or in the shower. Perhaps
something could happen, or even be premeditated in the future, on a deserted
beach, secluded amid the dunes.
She handed him a volume of the collected poems of John
Donne. “Now, I think you know which one I want you to read me. Hmm…while we’ve
been working together, I bet you’ve had some reveries of me undressing, you
undressing me.”
“I have to admit that is so and I know which poem you mean,
it’s Elegy Nineteen—To His Mistress Going to Bed.
“We really are on the same wavelength darling. I had learned
of that poem as a young girl, with a desperate desire one day to enact it.
Every word of it struck home as I disrobed alone, for years I yearned for that
lovely partner to give me those instructions live.”
Ferdinand beamed, then quoted from near the end of the poem
referring to the poet’s nakedness at the beginning of the action. Then he
proceeded to read, with his lovely, hypnotic voice.
He really made
Hecate’s girdle feel like Saturn’s rings As she undid her sash and cast it
down, she felt her abdomen was bathed in heavenly light, visible only to
spiritual eyes.
The request to
remove her ‘breastplate’ gave her an etheric shudder. Taking off the brooch at
the top of her dress felt like casting away a shield, affirming that strife and
combat had been replaced by love.
In response to the exhortation to unlace, she felt
deliciously nervous as her fingers twitched on her zips and buttons.
As the gown went off following the next command, Hecate felt
she had emerged from a perennial cocoon, that she was the sun liberated from
the constricting veils of night.
As for a
‘coronet’, Hecate was only wearing a slide, but removing it certainly helped
her locks flow freely.
It was great to
feel liberated from footwear; earlier on her high heels had felt so sexy. But
now her stockinged feet tingled with electric desire.
With her underwear,
admittedly she found nylon, calico and silk sexier than linen, but the word, so
sensually uttered, really relevant. (from The Heroine and the Author – Story 2)
Book Links: Dreamtime
Sensuality Antho - Devine Destinies
Dreamtime Sensuality eBook: David Russell: Amazon.co.uk ...
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edmunds r david russell david, Romance, NOOK Books ...
Author Bio: b. 1940. Resident in the UK. Writer of poetry,
literary criticism, speculative fiction and romance. Main poetry collection Prickling
Counterpoints (1998); poems published in online International Times. Main
speculative works High Wired On (2002); Rock Bottom (2005). Translation of
Spanish epic La Araucana, Amazon 2013. Romances: Self’s Blossom; Explorations; Further
Explorations; Therapy Rapture; Darlene, An Ecstatic Rendezvous (all pub Extasy
(Devine Destinies). Singer-songwriter/guitarist. Main CD albums Bacteria
Shrapnel and Kaleidoscope Concentrate. Many tracks on You Tube, under ‘Dave
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