An ordinary--but thoroughly unexciting--existence suits Tara just fine. The mundane is much preferred over the drama, heartache, and betrayal of her recent past. But a freak accident interrupts that quiet peace when Tara suddenly finds herself in possession of a new power, one that allows her to see the true forms of a dangerous group of shapeshifters that call themselves Metamorphs. The Metamorphs quickly recognize her newfound power and all its threatening potential--and many of them decide that eliminating this threat is the only way they can survive.
Marshall, a wickedly attractive Metamorph who is employed by the government, sees things differently. He is assigned to whisk Tara away to a private island to keep her safe until his organization can decide what to do about her. Tara, who learned the hard way not to let a man dictate her life, refuses his forced "offer" of protection and escapes his custody. But after a vicious attack by one of the Metamorphs who have resolved to kill her, she reluctantly agrees to accept Marshall's security. As they spend time together in hot, close quarters and learn more about each other, passion flares. At the same time, Tara's hope to return to her normal life is shattered when they discover a deadly secret. Both must reach past their differences, overcome their fears and learn to trust each other in order to stay alive.
Marshall, a wickedly attractive Metamorph who is employed by the government, sees things differently. He is assigned to whisk Tara away to a private island to keep her safe until his organization can decide what to do about her. Tara, who learned the hard way not to let a man dictate her life, refuses his forced "offer" of protection and escapes his custody. But after a vicious attack by one of the Metamorphs who have resolved to kill her, she reluctantly agrees to accept Marshall's security. As they spend time together in hot, close quarters and learn more about each other, passion flares. At the same time, Tara's hope to return to her normal life is shattered when they discover a deadly secret. Both must reach past their differences, overcome their fears and learn to trust each other in order to stay alive.
“So then I said…hey, are you listening to me?” Lola asked, waving her hand in front of Tara’s face.
“Yes, I’m listening. You said Alice ate someone’s month-old sandwich she stole from the lunchroom refrigerator and got sick.”
“You don’t seem especially interested in my fascinating story. Your eyes are meandering around like your brain is somewhere far away. Are you thinking about anything particular? Something you want to share?”
Tara didn’t. She was thinking about nothing and enjoying it immensely.
Her friend didn’t wait for an answer and resumed her narrative. Tara took the opportunity to focus on a man who had caught a bit of her attention. He had dark hair that was just a little longer than was the fashion, but it looked good on him. Sunglasses hid his eyes, but the rest of his face was attractive, if one enjoyed the rugged, dangerous look. Tara did. Pretty boys made her nervous. She could never be with a man who spent more time on grooming than she did. This one looked like he woke up with the same sexy dark shadow on his chin that he now sported. She crossed her legs, a twinge of heat causing her heart to beat faster.
Dark and Dangerous sat with several other men and women who were dressed like they had just come from their office, the same as her group. His rigid posture suggested military training and his facial expression was serious. Unlike the others in his group, he didn't appear to be having a good time. She couldn’t tell for sure, but it looked as if he was drinking bottled water. What was he doing at happy hour?
From what she could see of his upper torso through his button-down work shirt, his body was in good condition, a welcome change of pace from most men she dealt with in her work environment. Too many of them had let themselves go, developing beer bellies and sagging chins at a young age. She leaned a little farther in her chair to get a better look.
“Hey now, you checking out that man candy over there? I thought you weren’t interested in the opposite sex,” Lola teased.
“I’m trying to see that woman he’s with. She looks familiar.”
This was partially true. Tara was sure she’d seen his companion once or twice. Right now, the woman was laughing loudly with one of those raucous, grating laughs that sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
“Yeah, she does something around here. I see her a lot, too. Damn, that laugh of hers is enough to make you want to rip off your ears. You think she’s drunk?” Lola asked.
She was something, if not drunk. Her companion had to move more than once to avoid her sloshing drink. Suddenly, all the noise and bar smells got to Tara. Her mysteriously heightened senses had reached overload and it was time to go. She hugged her friend and dug her keys from her purse.
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Naomi lives in sunny Florida with the love of her life and a magical calico cat. She writes for various fiction and non-fiction markets but finds she is drawn to romance because her characters insist on canoodling and falling madly in love. So she lets them. Occasionally, however, they go to dark and strange places. She lets them do this also. Her interests include dancing, hula-hooping, drumming, and creating healthy meals. She takes the opportunity to play and have fun whenever possible. Her motto: Never pass up the opportunity to have an adventure!
Visit her at http://www.naomibellina.com/
Naomi Bellina
Provocative tales of love, lust, passion and magic
Thank you so much for sharing your book with us,
1 comment:
A belated thanks to you, Tina, for having me here! I love being teased (with good stuff) and hope all you reading enjoy this little peak at my book.
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