Starting 6/26 and ending July 2. Death Valley Adventure is on a countdown deal at amazon.
Buy the book early to get the best price of 99cents.
Travis Travel is a story for kids and parents alike.
Heading for Death Valley,
Travis is not sure he's up for the adventure until his imagination comes to his rescue.
The world changes to a foreign place with wild and strange creatures.
Being a good soldier, Travel follows his commander's lead and learns some valuable lessons about this crazy place they call Death Valley.This is a fun story for everyone who enjoys nature.
The pictures challenge the eye and the storyline describes a scene from a different world.Share Travis' adventure and travel to a new world by buying this story today.
a creative world, anything is possible, even elephants.” My peace-keeping
mother answered.
rolled my eyes at my father in the rear view mirror. What was it about girls
that made them so dense?
like the idea that we are entering a mystical world made of shifting vapors.
Think about it, any object we can imagine might appear.” My father joined
forces with my mother.
then monsters and dragons could live in this new land,” I said, knowing there
wasn’t anything of the kind, but gosh, I could hope. “We might actually have a
real adventure.”
there is a battle to be won, but it will take more than muscles and weapons to
defeat this enemy.” My mother smiled at me and then looked over at Sam. “Can
you guess what it’ll take?”
miracle, I thought, so we won’t be bored out of our skulls or if I had a hammer
I could put Sam with her pig-tails and pink ribbons, out of my misery. That way
at least, we wouldn’t fight.
knew both ideas were unlikely so I didn’t comment.
didn’t like it when I said anything to remind the family of the true reality of
the situation. She called it falling out of “the spirit of the adventure.”
Kindle Unlimited story find at
Thanks C.B. for sharing your incredible deal with us,
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