- Blurb
Rakes in Tartan by Suz deMello
Setting: London, 1816
The social season promises both sex and danger for Torquil Kilburn and Andrew MacReiver, Highland heirs arrived in London to seek brides. The Scotsmen must negotiate the complicated morés of high society to woo and win an exquisite debutante and her passionate, unconventional mother while keeping their vampire heritage a secret.
But evil stalks the ballroom at Almack’s, the streets of Piccadilly, the drawing rooms of the ton. Headless bodies have been found drained of their blood, for another vampire haunts the streets of London, murdering noblemen. As he draws ever closer, Tor and Andrew must fight not only for love, but for their lives
“Tell me, did you enjoy your former fiance’s kisses?” Tor asked.
“Sometimes,” Huldra answered honestly. “Other times, not so much.”
“What did you notice about the times you did not care for his kisses?”
She frowned. “He would become very wet. Almost like a drooling puppy.”
“I shall avoid imitating a puppy.” His arms tightened, and he covered her mouth with his.
His lips were cool, but the fire they ignited was anything but. She felt him entirely, not merely his mouth caressing hers, but his long, strong body pressed against her own, which seemed oddly to have become feather light. One hand reached up to stroke her cheek, and the other urged her even closer. His unique scent surrounded her, filling her senses, and she only distantly heard the wind sighing through the trees. She was much more concerned with the groan of pleasure emanating from Tor’s throat as he stroked her lips with his.
He stopped and she let out a little protesting cry.
“’Tis all right. But open your mouth for me, sweetling.”
She frowned and narrowed her eyes.
He laughed. “I promise not to slobber.”
“Umm…very well, then.”
He laughed some more before he again bent his head to take her mouth, which she opened but hesitatingly.
He flicked his tongue around her lips. Hmm. That felt good, so she opened a little more.
“Give me your tongue, love.”
He fixed her with a firm glance and lifted his brows. “Do it, lassie.”
She responded to his command and lifted her face for another kiss. This time, he parted her lips with his and eased in his tongue. She met him halfway, and found she enjoyed the sensation of Tor stroking her tongue with his.
‘Twas almost like talking! She’d recede, and he would chase. Then he slid his tongue away, and she searched for it with hers. Finding it was like sucking on the tastiest candy ever. She became aware of the rest of her body, and his. Especially the warmth where they pressed together, hottest at the junction of her thighs.
She was accosted by the thought that this was what her mother had warned her against, but she didn’t care. She could do this all day and all night long. She could gladly kiss Torquil Kilburn for the rest of her life.
Her body jolted. She’d known she liked him but hadn’t realized… Her mind spun, and she swayed in his arms. He held her tighter, supporting her weight without apparent effort, but didn’t stop kissing her.
She fell again into the bliss of his touch, allowing her concerns to recede in the face of such overwhelming pleasure.
Then gradually his tongue, and then his lips, slowly withdrew. He released her and stepped back, holding on to only her hands.
“Woof,” he said.
She burst out laughing.
- Purchase links
http://bit.ly/RakesInTartan (Amazon)
https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-rakesintartan-1484478-162.html All Romance Ebooks)
- Author short bio -
Best-selling, award-winning author Suz deMello has written seventeen romance novels in several subgenres, including the bestselling Highland Vampires seriees from Ellora's Cave. A freelance editor, she’s worked for Total-E-Bound, Liquid Silver Books and Ai Press, where she is currently Managing Editor. She also takes private clients.
Her books have been favorably reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist, won a contest or two, attained the finals of the RITA and hit several bestseller lists.
- Author links
--Find her books at http://www.suzdemello.com
--For editing services, email her at suzswift@yahoo.com
--Befriend her on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sueswift, and visit her group page at https://www.facebook.com/redhotauthorscafe
--She tweets her reading picks @ReadThis4fun and @Suzdemello
--Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/suzdemello/
--Goodreads: http://bit.ly/SuzATGoodreads
--Her current blog is http://www.fearlessfastpacedfiction.com
Thanks for sharing,
1 comment:
thanks for hosting me, Tina!
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