Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A #FallingIntoLove Read - Never Coming Home by Paloma Beck #MFRWauthor

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Never Coming Home

Title: Never Coming Home

Series: Home, Book 1.5

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Author: Paloma Beck

Publisher: Secret Cravings Publishing

Cover Artist: Dawné Dominique

ISBN: 978-1-63105-314-6

Page Count: 58



I have a story to tell, a story I promised never to tell. Hell, it isn't even one I wanted to live through. I just can't keep it inside anymore... now that they're both gone. I have to tell My Story.

Rachel Porter tells her sons about the love of her life, about their father and about their life together. This novella tells the story of the beginning of the Porter family through the Vietnam War, too many losses and a new beginning. It's a tale her sons won't forget, and one that could change them for all time.







Rachel sat at the table, her fingers hugging the hot mug of coffee as she surveyed her children. Her three sons were grown now. They were magnificent men. She shook the tears off as she thought of their dad. The credit for her sons went to Robert, a good man and a solid father. How she missed his friendship. It hadn’t been that long since he passed, but she felt the absence of his constant strength. Now, it was just her with her boys.

Rachel took a cleansing breath and spoke, “I have a story to tell. I know you all have wondered. It’s a story I promised never to tell. It isn’t one I wanted to live through, but it’s my story. I can’t keep it inside anymore. Now that they’re both gone, I have to share my story.”

She saw her sons’ confused and doubting looks, but it was Tyra, Ryan’s wife, who squeezed her hand in encouragement. “We’d love to listen to your story.”

Rachel looked past her sons, out the large window and beyond the lake. She’d underestimated how difficult the actual telling would be. It was much more difficult than the decision to do it had been. But she had to. She had to rise to the challenge of being the strength for their family now. Her sons must understand the true character of their father. They deserved that much at least.

She began her story…



Paloma Beck is a Romance Author living a life of contradiction... she's a happily married carpooling mom writing steamy romance. It's almost naughty! Paloma writes both contemporary and paranormal romances that are anything but PG.

Paloma published her first book in 2012 with Secret Cravings Publishing. Since then, she has released eight books with SCP, and has moved on to self-publish an additional two books. She has no plans to slow down.

With her husband and three sons, the Blue Ridge mountains have been her home for nearly twenty years. There's still a special place in her heart though for New England where she spent her childhood. The lakes of Maine call her name and someday she hopes to find her way back there.

Paloma is a proud supporter of Starbucks. She believes a daily dose of espresso and a good book make any day better. So, go on, Romance Beckons. Grab a cup of coffee and book and get reading!


BLOG:                                   http://RomanceBeckons.blogspot.com

WEBSITE:                             http://RomanceBeckons.net

TWITTER:                             https://twitter.com/PalomaBeck

FACEBOOK:                        http://www.facebook.com/RomanceBeckons

GOODREADS:                    http://goodreads.com/PalomaBeck

AMAZON:                           http://www.amazon.com/Paloma-Beck

PINTEREST:                         http://pinterest.com/PalomaBeck

Thanks for sharing,



Monday, September 29, 2014

#FallingIntoLove with Daryl Devore

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Capri's Fate - Erotic contemporary fantasy




What's a woman to do when a voice follows her home and makes mad, passionate love to her?


Corporate business woman, Capricious Gray, is dragged to a sex toy convention by her best friend. Once a shocking, mysterious disembodied voice helps her with her purchases, it follows her home. Passion ensues, leaving Capri torn between lust for her fantasy lover and the desperate need for reality in her life.


Thall, son of one of the Fates, harbors the irrepressible need to be with the woman he's desired from afar for years. In order to make her his, once and for all, he must help Capri get past her fears, including the fear of what he represents - a fantasy.


Can fantasy become a reality for these two lovers?




"Welcome to 'Patsy's Party'. Are you looking for anything in particular? To please yourself or that special other?" Patsy smiled.

"There is no special other for either of us at the moment. But we are both actively looking. I want toys for me." Kat's cheeks flushed, and her eyelids were wide open. I think she was panting.

Patsy looked at me. I did a gasping fish impression, then I heard the voice again.

"Buy something fun, something erotic and something dangerous."

I spun around. No male stood near us and the little brunette, who was looking at a sex manual, couldn't have a voice that deep. A chill slithered down my spine. I started to tell Kat what I'd just heard, but didn't. She'd just have some totally plausible explanation and somehow I didn't think hearing voices at a sex toy convention had any possible sane reason. And I wasn't about to admit I thought I was going crazy.

"Well then, let's start with dildos. Every girl's best friend." Patsy led us toward a shelf covered with phallic pieces of all sizes and colors. She began her sales pitch by picking up a largest penis I have ever seen. "This is our best seller, Mr. Monster Dong, guaranteed to drive you to new heights of sexual satisfaction. This fat boy starts at eight inches and gets bigger so you experience the feel of a really big cock. And best of all, this bad boy never goes soft! The three pages of instructions, which give a wide range of self-satisfying suggestions, are included."

I thought Kat was going to have an orgasm on the spot. She squealed three times during the description and practically ripped the thing from the woman's hands.

"If you are into the more sensuous." She picked up a glass dildo. "This little baby is called A Woman's Delight. The latest in the glass line. Its ridges and g-spot teasers are designed to heat up your playtime. I know what you're thinking but it's completely non-porous, so it stays germ-free."

"No. No." I waved my hand at it. "I'm more worried it'll break. I mean it's glass. And…uh…where it's supposed to go…I mean…um…." Puul-lease beam me out of here, Scotty.

She patted my shoulder. "They're built really strong, dearie."

"Oh, good." My smile was a pathetic little one, but it was the best I could do.





Daryl Devore lives in an in old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, two cats, a large salt water aquarium full of fish and some ghosts. Daryl loves to take long walks up her quiet country road, or snow shoe across the back acres and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth and a meteorite. She's been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flew high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life's an adventure and Daryl's having fun living it.


Where to find me - Blog - http://myeroticnotions.blogspot.com 

GoodReads Author Page - http://www.goodreads.com/DarylDevore

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Thanks Daryl for sharing your book with us,



Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tina Gayle's Tidings - Fall Colors

Hello friends and readers,

Lots of things going on in my world.

First of all, I hope you are following along on the fall wonderland trip I took through the display in Las Vegas a few weeks ago.
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The pictures are amazing and to be there was so much fun.
Check it out at  http://tinagayle.wordpress.com/

As far as my writing goes. You've probably also heard about my short story that is coming out on Oct. 15. 

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It's a short story that is getting some good reviews from the advance copies sent out to reviewers.

Here's one from Samantha Alvey -

Daniel and Karen have been through quite a bit. Through it all they have been friends. Over time though feelings have grown but neither have made a move to express how they feel in fear of what the results could be. Between divorce, death, a heart attack, pregnancy, fears, and children...their journey is full of road blocks.

Stormy properly explains their journey. I really liked it. It was quick, the sex was hot, and the story held your attention.

New on my Blog.

I'm doing the #FallingIntoLove Author Exchange so you will see lots of new books to explore.

An Invitation

I'd like to invited my readers to connect with me.

You can email at tina9561@yahoo.com or tinagayle@roadrunner.com

I get a few tweets when people buy my book. I'd really love to hear what you think after you've read my story. Good, bad, or something like "I hated that character. He made my skin crawl."

Let me hear from you because you are my inspiration to write the next book.

Have a great week,


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Lisa Carlisle - is #FallingIntoLove with Thirst

THIRST: An EIGHT Author Vampire Bundle of Edgy Vampires that THIRST for the one. Deliciously inhuman, paranormal sexiness!
Are you THIRSTING for the unusual? Try thousand-year-old vampires, Latin and French vamps, vampire Earls, sexy Native American vampires and even berserker vampires! This bundle will slake your THIRST for otherworldly, hot and sexy, unique vampire stories.
EIGHT creative and original stories that prove, one little seductive bite doesn't hurt.
Vampire Berserker by Carl East: A vampire that needs to feed on other vampires in order to survive.
The Vampire and the Rose by Yvonne Anthony: Rose’s mother has often warned her to stay away from dark places—especially at night, but curious Rose will ignore the warnings, jumping headlong into danger with startling consequences.
Dark Velvet by Lisa Carlisle: Savannah is thrilled for her residency at an art colony where she meets the sculptor Antoine. She discovers his dark secret, putting her life in jeopardy.
Vampire Lords of Blacknall by Shirl Anders: Only a creature of the night can save her. Lady Beth never stays home in the evenings. She fears her evil stepbrother. Then a monster stalks her in the dark and she cannot tell beast from savior.
The Vixen Torn by J.E. & M. Keep: Anjasa has been through the worst parts of hell and come back from it wounded but stronger. A trained assassin and courtesan, she’s seen the worst in others… and herself.
When Comes the Night by Anita Dobs: Trying to leave a troubled past far behind, Stacy escapes to England, but gets more than she bargained for when she meets Rafe Hawkins, the mysterious C.E.O at the renowned Sirius Advertising Agency.
Ash: Before Dawn by Skye Eagleday: Ash drank deeply of the blood of his enemies at Custer’s Last Stand. Now the beautiful Native American Vampire hunts in the gay bars of Seattle, where he will face an ancient Vampire far more deadly than the troops at Little Big Horn. Will he and his new human lover be able to use his powers of seduction and warrior skills to survive until dawn?
Love Blind by Claudia D. Christian: 1978. Rio de Janeiro. Josephine made a desperate bargain with a vampire named Julio Alberto. Her life for another. Kept in a gilded cage, will she ever allow herself to truly love her charming captor?
Buy now for only 99 cents. Only available for one month until it's gone forever!

Lisa CarlisleDark heroes, spirited heroines, scorching stories
Sign up for new releases and specials at

Facebook - Twitter - Goodreads - Pinterest

Thanks for sharing,


Friday, September 26, 2014

A Writing Tip from @AuthorTinaGayle - Pacing

For years, I read about pacing, how to make your story come alive by increase the readability of your work.

Shorter sentences and smaller words takes the reader less time to read so the intensity is increased. The problem was not only how to make this happen but to do it in a way that the reader would enjoy.

One of the tools I use to help me is words readability scale. When doing a spell check the screen that pops up at the end gives you information about whether or not the writing is easy to read.

Sentence Complexity/Words per sentence(avg.) gives you the length of the sentence the lower the number  the easier it is to read.

"The judgmental narrator subposition infuriated the commando."

Seven words it should be easy.


The words you use can make it difficult to read too.

This is where Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid level can help. These two number can help you see how ease what you've written can be understood.

Learning to use this can help you understand where you maybe losing your readers.

Have a great weekend,


Thursday, September 25, 2014

The @GoddessFish Presents Blondie and the HitMan by Kathy Shaw

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Blondie and the Hitman

by Kathy Shaw






If Dead Men Could Talk…


When a busty Blonde with amnesia barrels into Private Investigator Darla Bodecker’s life, Darla decides to help a bimbo out. She must use all her unique PI skills to discover Blondie’s true identity before the Russian Mob captures her.


Come along  for the wild and crazy ride when Darla uses a big dose of humor and a little dash of romance to solve Blondie’s mystery.




“Where the hell are you?” Pete roared into my cell phone.


“Did you get Blondie out of there before the cops showed up?” I asked, purposefully ignoring his question.


“No, I served her up to them with a side order of fries.” His sarcasm oozed from my phone thick enough to run down my arm. “What the fuck do you think I did?”


“Fine. You don’t have to get testy.” I watched the gunmen get out of their car and then go into the Russian deli they’d just parked in front of. “How is she?”


“A hellva a lot better than you’re going to be when I get my hands on you. Now, where are you?”


“On the corner of You-don’t-want-to-know and No-way-in-hell-I’m-going-to-tell-you.”


“Cute, Darla, real cute. Now get your smart ass back here!”


“Dial back the attitude, Pete. It’s not winning you any brownie points.” I dipped my phone away from my mouth then took a deep breath before slowly letting it out. We both needed to take things down a notch.


Either Pete picked up on my vibes or he’d finally popped that purple blood vessel in his temple that always protruded when he got really pissed at me. It could go either way.


Pete sounded beyond pissed. He’d sounded—well, um—way beyond pissed.


Finally, he spoke, his anger replaced with more surly sarcasm. “When do you think your Highness might grace me with your presence?”


I felt myself grin. Only Pete could make me smile after I’d lied my ass off to a grieving widow, been shot at and then played hide and seek whilst breaking land speed records.






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AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Kathy Shaw is a female version of a true Southern-bred good ol' boy. Her first love is her family, but her writing comes in a close second. She is multi-published in romance, but is currently working on a zany new mystery series.


She writes romantic comedies, humorous mysteries and playful erotica. The common thread in her writing is hands-down her humor.


She attributes a goodly amount of her success to her killer critique group. Her husband, however, credits it to her wacky--sometimes warped--sense of humor. But he's an Aggie, so what does he know?



Kathy will be awarding a $25 Visa GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Visa GC to a randomly drawn host.




Remember the more you comment the better your chances are to win,


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

#FallingIntoLove with Victoria Adams

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Lies, deceits and secrets - not a good way to begin a relationship.

After an ugly past forced Hunter Connolly to escape to Europe, the talented hockey player is back in North America and determined to land a position with a professional team. But he can’t hide from his past forever, especially when his beautiful classmate, Chelsea, forces him to reexamine his life. Soon, hockey is not his first priority anymore.

Chelsea Henderson is a bright co-ed working towards her dream of being a professional dancer. She forms a unique friendship with one of her father’s newest recruits and would love nothing more than to take it to the next level. However, there’s just one small problem. He doesn’t know she’s his coach’s daughter.

Amid the deceptions, danger lurks closer than they could ever imagine. Will fate contrive to rip the young lovers apart? Or will Hunter and Chelsea have their shot at love?



Professor Campbell smiled. "Good, now that everyone is here, welcome. Today is a get-to-know-each-other day. I don't like impersonal classes where no one knows each other. I feel a class should be like a team. Since you'll be criticizing and analyzing each other's works, you should get to know one another. Let's go around the table, starting with you." He pointed at Chelsea who sat directly in front of him. "Name. Major."

"Uh...I...uh...I hate going first." A flush trickled up the side of her neck.

Out of the side of his mouth, Hunter whispered, "Better you than me."

She glanced at him. "That was supportive."

Hunter's heart skipped a beat.

 "My name's Chelsea, and I'm taking this and a Composition and Repertory class."

"I speak for all of us when I say - a what?" Hunter looked at her sideways.

"A dance credit."

"Do you wish to be a dancer?" The professor folded his hands and placed them on the table. Chelsea blushed and nodded. He pointed to the person on Chelsea's right.

"My name is Steven Francis, and I'm pre-med."

Hunter listened as several other students listed themselves as pre-med, pre-law, business administration and economics. He shook his head. I'm so in the wrong place. But with Chelsea being here, this class could be liveable. At last it was his turn. "Hunter Taylor, and I don't have a declared major."

"What do you do?"

"I play hockey. I'm trying out for the Vipers."

The other five girls sat up taller, fixed their hair and smiled.

"At least our two dreamers are sitting next to each other." A smirk spread across the face of the pre-law student.

Hunter glanced at the table then back at the pre-law student. "You don't dream about becoming a lawyer? You don't dream about pleading a major case in front of the Supreme Court?"

The classmate refused to make eye contact with Hunter.

"Everyone has dreams." Hunter jerked his thumb towards Chelsea. "Chelsea's and mine may not be academic ones, but they're just as hard to achieve as yours are. Don't put me down 'cause I want to be a hockey player. I may have to hire you to represent me when I negotiate my deal."

"An interesting mix of students." The professor scanned the group with eyes lit up with humour. "A dancer, a few lawyers, doctors, business people and a hockey player who can defend himself against a lawyer."

"I play offence. We're the aggressive ones."


Purchase Link - Exclusively at - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00L2GRD1U

Author Bio -

I'm Victoria Adams. I live in Ontario, Canada with my husband and pets. I like to garden, cook and study Raqs Sharqi (Egyptian belly dance). In the summer, cars slow down when they pass my front yard and the passengers gaze at my flower beds. Friends love to be invited over for supper as the meal is going to be good, good for you and nowhere near low-calorie! As to belly dance – just do it!! My writing style splits between contemporary romance and contemporary romance for new adults (17-22 yrs) and flash fiction. I have released a trilogy – Circles Trilogy.


Where to find me

Blog – Pages of Romance – http://victoriaadams.blogspot.com


Thanks Victoria for sharing your book with us,
