Thursday, September 25, 2014

The @GoddessFish Presents Blondie and the HitMan by Kathy Shaw

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Blondie and the Hitman

by Kathy Shaw






If Dead Men Could Talk…


When a busty Blonde with amnesia barrels into Private Investigator Darla Bodecker’s life, Darla decides to help a bimbo out. She must use all her unique PI skills to discover Blondie’s true identity before the Russian Mob captures her.


Come along  for the wild and crazy ride when Darla uses a big dose of humor and a little dash of romance to solve Blondie’s mystery.




“Where the hell are you?” Pete roared into my cell phone.


“Did you get Blondie out of there before the cops showed up?” I asked, purposefully ignoring his question.


“No, I served her up to them with a side order of fries.” His sarcasm oozed from my phone thick enough to run down my arm. “What the fuck do you think I did?”


“Fine. You don’t have to get testy.” I watched the gunmen get out of their car and then go into the Russian deli they’d just parked in front of. “How is she?”


“A hellva a lot better than you’re going to be when I get my hands on you. Now, where are you?”


“On the corner of You-don’t-want-to-know and No-way-in-hell-I’m-going-to-tell-you.”


“Cute, Darla, real cute. Now get your smart ass back here!”


“Dial back the attitude, Pete. It’s not winning you any brownie points.” I dipped my phone away from my mouth then took a deep breath before slowly letting it out. We both needed to take things down a notch.


Either Pete picked up on my vibes or he’d finally popped that purple blood vessel in his temple that always protruded when he got really pissed at me. It could go either way.


Pete sounded beyond pissed. He’d sounded—well, um—way beyond pissed.


Finally, he spoke, his anger replaced with more surly sarcasm. “When do you think your Highness might grace me with your presence?”


I felt myself grin. Only Pete could make me smile after I’d lied my ass off to a grieving widow, been shot at and then played hide and seek whilst breaking land speed records.






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AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Kathy Shaw is a female version of a true Southern-bred good ol' boy. Her first love is her family, but her writing comes in a close second. She is multi-published in romance, but is currently working on a zany new mystery series.


She writes romantic comedies, humorous mysteries and playful erotica. The common thread in her writing is hands-down her humor.


She attributes a goodly amount of her success to her killer critique group. Her husband, however, credits it to her wacky--sometimes warped--sense of humor. But he's an Aggie, so what does he know?



Kathy will be awarding a $25 Visa GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Visa GC to a randomly drawn host.




Remember the more you comment the better your chances are to win,



Mary Preston said...

I enjoyed the excerpt.

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

MomJane said...

What a fun excerpt. This sounds like a really great book.

Serena S. said...

Very nice excerpt.